Medical Marijuana is not prescribed as a treatment per se as it will not cure GBS or CIDP but rather it will help with pain relief. I was diagnosed with CIDP which is similar to GBS and also live in a state where Medical Marijuana is now legal. My neurologist is licensed to prescribe MM and did to help me with my extreme neuropathy. I am taking high-CBD/low-THC drops and it helps more than any other drug that I have been prescribed (Horizant & Cymbalta) while not having the same side effects. The high-CBD quells my pain for up to 3-4 hours and you do not get high, just pain relief. On Horizant and Cymbalta I felt like hell the next day – foggy brained and lack of focus – and it did not help as much as the MM with my pain.
MM is a God-send for me. The U.S. Government also holds a patent (US 6,630,507) on cannabinoids based on their antioxodent and neuroprotectant properties.