
Your Replies

  • January 31, 2017 at 1:46 pm

    Hello Tarhealing, you wrote “I went to see a physical therapist who specialized in vestibular disorders and he gave me exercises to do with my eyes which corrected my double vision and balance disorders. It took about 4 to 6 weeks but it completely fixed my problems with this.” Could you explain me these exercices for iI try to do them.
    Thans a lot

    December 19, 2016 at 11:50 am

    Thank you Normison but I can see everywhere now, since 1 months but I have again this troubles(crmaps and muscular spams and the very stiff nape of the neck that my neurologist explains by a too much activity of my eyes.

    Me too I have the arms very tired and cramps. All the top of the body is more tired and tightened because I force.
    Best wishes

    December 17, 2016 at 4:22 am

    Thank you Normison. Doctors think it i muscular troubles because I was so stressed that I forced on my eyes since June dozens of times a day to see simple and also to test me all the time. Of the blow my neck was also very tense, where from the muscular cramps in eyes, head at the level of the muscles of eyes and my nape of the neck and shoulders, arm etc….
    I really hope that all this is going to pass in time but I request my eyes even today with the computer, take a stroll a lot etc. but do not test me any more

    December 17, 2016 at 4:14 am

    You have prism immediately or do you have a patch to close your eye during a moment. If yes, during how many time ?

    December 15, 2016 at 4:51 am

    Tarhealing, Normison, where do you come from because I leave in Paris and I find the French medicine is not evolved on the rare diseases.
    I still have my troubles in my head and eyes.
    Had you muscle spasms with cramps in the eye and the head ?
    When I am on the computer my eye contracts. At the end of how long were able to you to reread a book or a screen? What made you during this time there? Just sleeping ?
    I have question : How made you to see during the period ? Had you a mask on the eye? If yes, had it you on the same eye or in alternation the left eye then the right eye and how long left it to you ?
    Were able to you to make a stroll every day or you took time to go outside?
    Thanks and my best wishes for Christmas and new Year holidays

    December 7, 2016 at 1:40 pm

    And after recuperate your vision, your body was good or do you have any more roubles and spasms in eyes, tete, neck, shoulder or back?
    For me, I recuperate but I have always this troubles

    November 20, 2016 at 1:20 pm

    what is ACDE ?

    November 20, 2016 at 1:13 pm

    Tarhealing, Normison, thank you for your answers. My problems are differents of yours : i have no troubles with double vision now but avec I have muscular cramps in my eyes, my muscles close my eyes themselves. When I look closely it fires at my eyes, it makes me “big eyes”, and my muscles make them close themselves alone. I have as of the pate has to model (plasticine) in the head which makes spames and crispastions in my nape of the neck.
    My doctor tells me that it is the muscular overactivity and that I am gérie because I do not see anymore double. Thus I do not understand these disorders but as I was been very badly looked after. Prisms degraded my vision and I so had pain that I wanted that we bandage me eyes. Thus I believe my neurologist ophtamlologue because my eyes are very tired by these ill-treatment.
    How made you to see without prism, you closed an eye? You had a mask?

    November 20, 2016 at 4:29 am

    I have a question. My troubles in my head are consecutive to a too much muscular activity of my eye. I need tout know how do you do with your eye during thé sick and double vision. Do you use the two eyes everytime or do you mask/hide one ? If yes, during how many time per day and how many months ?

    November 15, 2016 at 6:28 am

    Hello Tarhealing,
    Thank you for your answer.
    As for me, my residual troubles are strange and prevent me from resuming(taking back) my activity. I found all my vision and I still have troubles which are situated inside my head. It is as some Plasticine, cramps, that contract in my head., my eyes and my nape of the neck which is very hard. It is so much tightened(stretched out) that that cracks(fails) some time.
    I see double a fraction of a second before seeing simple and my eye has problems of spames of convergences, that is it does not see clear(net), it moves all the time to see clear(net).
    I saw my neurologist-ophthalmologist yesterday, he tells me that it is my muscles which are too much contracted and that it is cramps which are going to pass. Besides, he says that my brain registered(recorded) the double vision and that’s why I see double before seeing simple. My brain have to make as a désenregistrement or reset. My problem is really my head and my neck and my arm. I also have difficulty trusting the doctors because it lasts for more than 5 months and my members are always very tense.
    I am under medicine against the depression, is this voucher for the disease? Took it you?
    From when were able to you to return to your professional activity?

    November 11, 2016 at 12:05 pm

    Normison you are sweety, thank you very much for wishes. I will write here for news

    November 11, 2016 at 4:45 am

    Thank you for your answers.
    My troubles are my left eyes pulls on my muscles As soon as I move eyes and more when I put my glasses I put my glasses to see closely. As if the muscles of my left eye were shortened and as if I have to shoot?
    It pulls me in the head at the same time and the neck and my arm which since is badly vascularized had you it.
    I am alone with my childs and I am so afraid to stay like that wwith this troubles. I am afraid to have depressive illness because my doctors aren’t here for me and have not answers for me. They say me they don’t know if i will be good or not. It’s the reason I am bad now While before I kept(guarded) hope.
    Read you is very important and thak you for your answers. My MFS is little, not big troubles but they during and create more troubles than other according to my neurologist. It is amazing.
    Thank you one more

    November 10, 2016 at 4:15 pm

    I try to write in english : i have MFS since 11 juin 2016. My double vision was on the left. Today I have simple vision but before to see simple i see double during 1 or 2 seconds and after I see simple. The problem is I fire at my eyes permanently to restick the images and it creates me muscular tensions permanently in eyes, head, neck, arms etc. … I have the head which explodes, the eyes which pull me etc. and when I lie down in the evening, it makes me cramps for a very long time before it not relaxed.
    I don’t know if it’s my myelin or my peripheral nerves who are bad repaired or if it’s just a question of time and all will be good in a few time. Or perhaps, it would be possible it is just muscular, the muscles of my eyes who doesn’t operate together and i would be reeducation.
    I am afraid to stay like that with troubles which worsen(get worse).
    I am very bad and afraid
    Thank for your wish

    November 10, 2016 at 4:14 pm

    Thank you Jim for your answer. I know the french site but it is not possible to acess to the forum if you are not a member and it is some poor on informations.
    I try to write in english : i have MFS since 11 juin 2016. My double vision was on the left. Today I have simple vision but before to see simple i see double during 1 or 2 seconds and after I see simple. The problem is I fire at my eyes permanently to restick the images and it creates me muscular tensions permanently in eyes, head, neck, arms etc. … I have the head which explodes, the eyes which pull me etc. and when I lie down in the evening, it makes me cramps for a very long time before it not relaxed.
    I don’t know if it’s my myelin or my peripheral nerves who are bad repaired or if it’s just a question of time and all will be good in a few time. Or perhaps, it would be possible it is just muscular, the muscles of my eyes who doesn’t operate together and i would be reeducation.
    I am afraid to stay like that with troubles which worsen(get worse).
    I am very bad and afraid
    Thank for your wish