toe fungus…anyone else?

    • Anonymous
      February 10, 2011 at 10:14 am

      I read yuehan post talking about toe fungus. This is very interesting.
      Does anybody else got one here? I have had one for years, and do not think is a fungus. All the treatments I had failed.
      I really think is one more autoimmune symthom. The same with the finger fungus. I have been doing some test for myself using a psoriasis cream (other autoimmune disease), and i got better improvements than using the anti-fungus cream we can buy in the pharmacy.

    • Anonymous
      February 10, 2011 at 11:44 am

      Read 40 million Americans have toe fungus. When we go outside barefoot, use public spas, public pool, have pedicures with foot soak & others exposure us to getting it. Mainly barefoot–which is me most of warm weather going outside, walking through the grass and working in garden. I got it last summer & dermatologist suggested oral fungus medicine for 3 months. The medicine is hard on the kidneys so I would have to stop all my cholesterol meds for that time & have blood level done to monitor kidneys.

      People’s Pharmacy said many who tried the original Gold Listerine Mouth Wash & peroxide (50% portion each) foot soak for 20 minutes a day for one year found the fungus went away.

    • Anonymous
      February 10, 2011 at 1:07 pm

      That’s about what my family Dr said. I mean, he said, what you said- ‘…the oral medicine is hard on the kidneys…’ and ‘you have to take it for up to a year’

      So, because my ivig and my azathioprine are both already hard on my liver & kidneys, he deferred any treatment saying, ‘it’s ugly. Get used to it.’

      Not sure I agree with ‘get used to it.’

      I read, here and there, that vicks vaporub works for some people.

    • Anonymous
      February 10, 2011 at 3:25 pm

      Before I knew that I had CIDP I began noticing changes in my skin and nails. The nails became brittle and had very obvious ridges in them. My big toenails curled under on the sides and finally painlessly feel off. They grew back but still look weird as do my other toenails. I started having rough patchy areas on my skin along with wart-like areas and skin tags. This is quite alarming to me because I did not even have acne as a teenager. Now in my late fifties I start developing these things. Since my CIDP diagnosis last summer I am wondering about the auto-immune response in these areas since I realize that a person can have more than one auto-immune disorder at any given time.

      I know a nurse practitioner who uses the Vicks salve on her feet every night. She believe in it.

    • Anonymous
      February 10, 2011 at 6:56 pm

      then read this site: url-
      Go t o the left margin to the tab ‘Diabetes in Skin Disease’ and read the intro and other stuff…
      Fungus? Possibly, yes. BUT, hygiene is also a factor. Don’t know about you, but my feet [which had had ‘hyperhydrosis’ prior to..?] stopped sweating COMPLETELY for over a year! Until I started IVIG..then little spots would sweat, now it’s not ‘normal’ but at least I CAN SWEAT!
      Get and use a mirror for diabetes and LOOK at your feet, as you don’t feel them! Slather with lotions such as Ammonium Lactate [SP?] and other suitable moistureizers. Then go to a dermatologist and get tested for possible other issues…such as fungus or worse. They have several topical ointments or salves that work great for avoiding possible complications.
      Dermatologists are like neuros in a way? THEY ARE HARD [the good ones at least] to get appointments with WHEN YOU NEED THEM! So, go get established, examined then work to prevent any additional skin problems before they happen. Being an established patient is useful too, IF you get IVIG, and get a reaction! Trust me on this one- two topicals and no problem after that! IVIG ‘rashes’ feels like poison ivy all over again!
      As for toes? This often happens as we ‘age’. Hate to say it? But my own neuropathy problems were made worse by ingrown big toes [which started about 2 years before neuro stuff]. At first, I wasn’t worried, as I knew there was a family history of ‘toenail’ issues? Now? I dunno, but who will ever know? Folks with PN have super fussy feet? WE HAVE THE FUSSIEST FEET, almost, ON EARTH!
      BTW? Skin tags and patchy areas DO come with age at times? Derms can get them off if needed and it’s not too bad. At least? They’re not ‘catching’!
      Good things to all!

    • Anonymous
      February 10, 2011 at 9:09 pm

      Always check your feet. I have been to a couple of dermatologists but they do not seem too concerned. I just know that it is unusual for me. I stumped my toe and did not know it until I removed my shoe that evening. I got a prescription for antibiotics from my local clinic and the redness and swelling went away. Since one of my grandmothers was a diabetic and had to have an amputation below the knee–I am very cautious about my feet–especially since I cannot feel them.

    • February 10, 2011 at 11:02 pm

      About a year ago I noticed my discolored toenails were getting a bit misshaped and Lo and Behold my primary care doc gave me a new toemail polish call Cyclopirox. Today I got a refill from my pharmacist and told him that I hadn’t taken any Prednisone in 2 months it’s clearing up fast and Is almost gone. The good pharmacist said that Pred can cause a toenail fungus which I had suspected all along. Luckily So far that seems to be the only side effect I have from the Prednisone.
      I tried the Vicks vapo rub prior to the topical prescription and also hydrogen peroxide, and it probably stopped some progression. I did not want to take an oral pill.

    • Anonymous
      February 12, 2011 at 7:01 pm

      Here is clear what I mean about the toenail;
      “Psoriasis of the nails can resemble other conditions such as chronic infection or inflammation of the nail bed or nail fold. Psoriasis of the toenails can resemble chronic fungal infection of the nails”
      As it is an autoimmune disorder I think nothing we can do about it,
      besides the immunosupresor treatments.

    • Anonymous
      February 14, 2011 at 10:08 am

      I can see (rhymes with concede) that you were trying to tell us that nail fungus could conceivably be Psoriasis.

      I do not agree that there is nothing to be done about it merely because it is another form of immune system malfunction.

      Do what? What behooves us all to do. Get a diagnosis, get more than one opinion. Somebody said the dermatologist was ‘not concerned.’ Yes, I have that trouble and need to take my own advice. My family doctor, while perhaps not concerned, did say ‘..leave it alone, get used to it, it’s ugly…’

      hmm, I’m gonna go see a podiatrist or dermatologist or both. If it’s fungus it can biopsied, sampled, cultured, whatever you call it to identify it. Same with Psoriasis, the doc, supposedly, can look at samples under the microscope to make a diagnosis.

      Of course I also agree with the desire to home treat. Granted, I do that also. But, for how long, to what end? You know what else? Guys are stubborn, right?

      Don’t be stubborn, get a diagnosis, get treatment, get a second or third opinion. I’m gonna. Someday. Maybe tomorrow.

    • Anonymous
      February 15, 2011 at 9:11 pm

      to treat, even if you go barefoot [I KNOW I never go barefoot but to bathe].
      Toes are nice dark places that have nice dark and delitefully moist nooks and cranny’s that can pick up all sorts of ‘wondrous wildlife’…so to speak.
      Podiatrist first, then dermatologist if it is ONLY the feet involved. GP’s or Internal Med. docs are well, ok for some? But why not go to someone who ‘does’ nothing BUT feet?
      Harder tho, to get docs reporting or ‘talking’ to each other? Sometimes it takes that sort of communication between medical disciplines to sort the real problem out.
      Good luck?!!!!!! I hope you get ‘rid of IT!’ Whatever IT is!

    • Anonymous
      February 16, 2011 at 1:59 pm

      Psoriasis??? Interesting – The first thing that I noticed was that my toenails were starting to look weird. Then things started to go downhill from there. Finally diagnosed in 2005. The toenails look extremely “evil” now. Never thought there might be a correlation between the two.

      Thanks for the info. I’ve got something to think about.

    • Anonymous
      February 19, 2011 at 7:06 am

      Here where i live, most docs do not know what an autoimmune disease it is. Even psoriasis they think is an unknown degenerative problem, or celiac disease. I would like to have a test to prove there is no fungus or it is if this the issue, but can not have this tests here, or can not find yet where to have the test done. It took me years to find out the antibodies test (the anti-MAG, GD1a…etc) to be done.
      I can only confirm that in my feet (not nail) anti-fungus do not work, it works the psoriasis cream or fusidic acid cream.

    • Anonymous
      February 24, 2011 at 6:05 pm

      I just returned from the Dermatologist’s office.

      summary report:

      1. If it were psoriasis there would likely be more than one nail involved. In addition there would likely be psoriasis evident elsewhere on the skin.
      2. Dr. took a nail sample and a ‘fungus’ sample from under the nail to be sent to pathology.
      3. Dr. advised “to prevent spread of fungus to other toes do this: 1/2 warm water 1/2 white vinegar. Soak the foot for 15 minutes three times per week.”
      4. Rx for a cnl8nail kit (cicloiprox topical solution, 8%)


      hmmm, I just visited there and found this: “A completely clear nail may not be achieved with use of this medication. In clinical studies less than 12% of patients were able to achieve either a completely clear or almost clear toenail.”

      I see why the family Dr said ‘get used to it. Read the part about professional removal of the unattached nail monthly for six months….

      oh, sigh.

    • Anonymous
      July 12, 2011 at 1:47 am

      psoriasis and toenail fungus are two different things. which did you have pjthomasset? my friends who had toenail fungus get rid of theirs with fungusil. i’m not sure about psoriasis treatment on toenail fungus.

    • June 9, 2017 at 5:48 am

      Yes, I was also having the same issue but with the help of some natural remedies, I was able to get recovered from this toenail fungus infection. There are several causes for what toenail fungus infection takes place. However, you can prevent yourself from being infected with toenail fungus infection. Some preventions I came to know from and trust me after I followed all these prevention I never faced this issue again in life.

    • June 9, 2017 at 6:04 am

      Toenail fungus can be treated by trying some natural ways. Few days back I was also having the same issue but I got to know some natural treatments from With the help of this, I came to know about different natural cures for toenail fungus and believe me it really helped me a lot. I tried apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, baking soda, Listerine and lot other ingredients that help me a lot in curing my toenail fungus infection.

    • June 19, 2017 at 11:49 am

      Wow! I asked my doctor about this, but he just shrugged. It doesn’t really look like a fungus, but after I began teh symptoms of CIDP, but before I was diagnosed, my toenails turned white and hard and fell off without paid and a new one was growing underneath. In the past several years this has happened at least 5 times. The new nail looks fungus free, but soon the process starts again. Always on the same toes. Some nails look white, but never fall off. My feet are extremely numb from the disease. Toe fungus medicines to not treat.

    • June 29, 2017 at 2:04 am

      Toenail fungus can be very irritating issue for those who are suffering from this issue. However, this issue can be cured with some natural remedies. You can try these remedies to cure toenail fungus infection:
      •Vicks vaporub can be used to treat toenail fungus. If the fungus infection is in early stage then it can cure you easily. If your nail just have started to turn yellow, curl, grow thicker then it’s better to apply this ointment to the affected toenail for 2-3 times a day.
      •Lemon is acidic in nature and it has an anti-pathogenic properties. Lemon can used as the best home remedy to treat ingrown toenail fungus. You just have to cut slices of lemons and then soak them in warm water and then soak your feet every day for half an hour. The acidic nature of lemon cures the infection and the warm water relieves the pain.
      Try these remedies and get rid of toenail fungus infection with an ease. I have collected these information from Treat Toenail Fungus With Home Remedies. You can also try some other remedies mentioned here.

    • GH
      June 29, 2017 at 11:51 am

      This subject doesn’t have anything to do with GBS or related neuropathies. If you have a fungal infection, you need a fungicide. See your family doctor or a podiatrist or dermatologist.