Pins and Needles reappearing
Hi there,
Has anyone had tingling and pins and needles reappear after several months of no symptoms. Why would it start up again and what triggers this?
Do I need to be worried?
Hi Tania, this is common, residuals can come and go for awhile. What was your original diagnosis and what treatments have you had?
Hi Jim, thank you so much for your prompt I response, it’s truly appreciated.
I was diagnosed with GBS on Boxing Day 2017, having been discharged on Xmas day with flu from A & E and advised to sleep it off. Fortunately for me and being aware that it wasn’t the flu I told my husband to call the paramedics.
I had IVIG over the 5 days and my recovery has been very good. It is only since Sunday, 3 days ago I have had the tingling and pins and needles. What may have triggered this to start up again, and do I need to be concerned/worried. I haven’t had any pre viral infections this time.
Thanks once again Jim I look forward to hearing from you. Regards, Tania
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