Need new doctor
AnonymousDecember 6, 2006 at 10:59 am
I have been with my Neurologist for the past nine months. His treatments have taken me to walking with a walker, now learning on a cane. I have drop foot in both feet, and numbness in many fingers. I still go to PT>BUT my Doctor is no longer with the hospital. (Long nasty story). I am now looking for another neruologist with GBS/CIDP experience. Any suggestions in the Sioux City Iowa, Norfolk, Ne. or Sioux Falls, SD area? Would appreciate any help, I am really panicky as I will need a IVIG treatment after the 1st of the year. I was getting them at Alvera Sacred Heart Hospital infusion room in Yankton SD, but no neurologist anymore.
AnonymousDecember 7, 2006 at 11:13 am
Have you tried any of these things??
1. Call our foundation to see if they can recommend a doctor.
2. Look at the doctor referral on Neuropathy Association, you may have to join.
3. Do a doctor search through webmd
4. Call or find a web site for university hospitals in your area for doctor referrals.
5. Ask your family doctor if he/she can order the meds you need for awhile so you can try home infusions. Will give you time to find a neurologist so you won’t do without.
6. If there’s no other way until you have another doctor, find out if you can be admitted to emergency room for infusions/meds.
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