Need inputs
AnonymousJuly 26, 2006 at 9:52 pm
Hi, I hope the GBS-educated members of this forum can help me. My girlfriend has travelled out the country to Vietnam. A day before she left, she told she was having trouble feeling, like if she was holding my hands, she couldn’t feel it. But if I pinched her, she is then able to feel it. I thought nothing of it, because she can get paranoid sometimes.:( But now it’s getting worse and worse each day. She lost feelings in her arms and face. She didn’t recently have any infections that I know of. She has been to the doctor in Vietnam, he gave her some vitamin pills and something else. She also tells me that sometimes she feels light-headed, like her body is floating.
She has experienced similiar symptions a few years ago, but the doctor gave her bextra and she recovered within a few days.
I’m not sure what to do actually. I researched online and found out about GBS. Can you guys give me any inputs to this situation? Much is appreciated.
AnonymousJuly 27, 2006 at 9:56 am
Hi Faith,
Welcome to the Forums.
Did your friend receive any vaccinations prior to her travels to Vietnam? If she did, she could be experiencing the beginning of GBS. She would need a spinal tap to see if her spinal fluid has a rise in proteins which is a good indicator of GBS.
Let us know if she had any vaccines.
AnonymousJuly 27, 2006 at 4:34 pm
[QUOTE=Brandy]Hi Faith,
Welcome to the Forums.
Did your friend receive any vaccinations prior to her travels to Vietnam? If she did, she could be experiencing the beginning of GBS. She would need a spinal tap to see if her spinal fluid has a rise in proteins which is a good indicator of GBS.
Let us know if she had any vaccines.[/QUOTE]
Actually, she didn’t, but the doctor gave her a vitamin shot ( does that count?), which she had received before in the past just to give her health a boost. The thing is although she has no sense of touch, she doesn’t have that tingling numbness. There is no nerve pain. But she suffers fatigue often(for a while now, not recently). But recently, she has had trouble falling asleep.
Thank you for the inputs, guys. I told her to see a neurologist. Please keep her in our prayers, as well as all people with an illness.
AnonymousJuly 27, 2006 at 11:23 pm
another thought- perhaps panic attack? Or another underying condition ike diabetes or low potassium could cause her symptoms. I agree with the other members- tell her to go to a doctor fast- classically trained (?don’t know about Vietnam’s training programs) Good uck- will pray all goes well with her.
AnonymousJuly 28, 2006 at 9:58 pm
The most responsible thing to do is to seek out the neurologist and get an evaluation by qualified medical doctors, rather than to seek out clues here from non medical people going on second hand information to guess at whether GBS is the culprit. I wish you well, and your girlfriend well, but please get her to a qualified doctor? Take care!:rolleyes:
AnonymousJuly 28, 2006 at 10:44 pm
[QUOTE=linda]The most responsible thing to do is to seek out the neurologist and get an evaluation by qualified medical doctors, rather than to seek out clues here from non medical people going on second hand information to guess at whether GBS is the culprit. I wish you well, and your girlfriend well, but please get her to a qualified doctor? Take care!:rolleyes:[/QUOTE]
Obviously. However, she is in Vietnam and I’m in the States, I talk to her like once a day because of the time difference. And she did seek a doctor in the hospital, but he refused to let her see a neurologist because he didn’t feel it was neccessary. Since most people here have endured GBS, I wanted to know for myself some [I]qualified [/I] inputs from the patients themselves. I thank you for your input, though.
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