I played golf
AnonymousJuly 10, 2010 at 10:14 pm
Many of you know I was a golf Pro and that CIDP took that from me. It took my career as a Club Professional, I worked at a Golf Course, gave lessons, ran the Club, sold merchandise, etc. It also took my ability to play ay a competitive level. I was never good enough to play on the PGA Tour with the big guys, but I could play OK.
After CIDP, I could not swing and stand up. I lost my balance and could not swing confidently. I never knew if I would fall down. I lost my distance, my accuracy, my desire, all of it. five or six years passed.
Last fall, my old Club called me on the phone. They were getting rid of their Pro and wondered if I could help sort out the books until they could hire a new one. I told them PART TIME only. and they let me work 20 hours a week and fix things, which I did.
The golf bug finally got to me. I loaded my clubs on to a cart and went out to the course (by myself). I didn’t want anyone to see what might happen. After that day, I have played four or five times. Mostly nine holes. 18 holes is really too much for my body, but I can play 9 and still be OK. My priorities are completely different. I like being out there, I enjoy the other guys, the fellowship, the course. Maybe the golf isn’t too great, but what the heck, I am out there and I can still have fun.
It is my choice whether I have fun or not, right?
Way to go Dick, that is awesome.
I was a scratch golfer 8 years ago when I decided to put the clubs up and focus on coaching my two daughters in basketball. I figured I could always golf again when they got out of high school and I had the time and desire again. Playing at at a high level is incredibly time consuming and “selfish” as you know.
Well the summer my 2nd daughter graduated I contracted CIDP. Its now 2.5 years later and I have not had the courage to even try golfing or hitting balls.
I get treatment every month so I only have 2 or so weeks when I am strong enough to even try. I hope to get up the desire to give it a try, your story is very encouraging.How was your grip strength the first time you went out ?
Thanks for posting your story.
AnonymousJuly 12, 2010 at 8:08 pm
[QUOTE=Dick S]…________ CIDP took that from me. It took my career (as)______________. It also took my ability to__________ After CIDP, I could not__________ I lost my_______ I lost my_______…
My priorities are completely different. I like being out there,_______ but what the heck, I am out there and I can still have fun.
It is my choice whether I have fun or not, right?[/QUOTE]
Yes, you are right. I took your quote and turned it into a fill in the blanks game for any of us to take. That is the Before part. Wallow in it at the sufferer’s own peril.
The After is your success story. That is GREAT! The best thing anybody can do, and you have emphasized it in other posts, is HAVE FUN. And, as you also say- don’t overdo it.
Hi Dick,
I was happy to hear that you are enjoying golfing again. You’ve set the wheel in motion for hope and inspiration and rang a positive tone for all of us. -
Yea Dick! I’m out there golfing too. My handicap was 7, now it’s CIDP! I actually shot in the 80’s the last time I played. I was exhausted, but made 18 holes and am hitting my driver 280+. I say this not to brag, but to give you hope. (Maybe playing in the 80’s and 280+ is not so great a hill for you to climb being a PGA pro)! LOL
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I PLayed Golf
AnonymousAugust 12, 2006 at 12:37 am
I played golf last week for the first time in three years. I shot 83 with an 8, two 6’s and two three putts. I was really suprised. I did not fall down (my greatest fear), I did move my ball to more level lies. I hit some good shots, and some mediocre ones. And I guess some crappy ones. But the most important thing was that I played.
Golf was my passion, and my life’s work. I was a golf pro until CIDP took that path away from me. I have not recovered any better, I just had the guts to try. The effort was not without pain. It started in my feet, heels, arches, and then worked up to the calves, knees and thighs. I did suffer from fatigue, tiredness, and aches, but the important thing is that I proved to myself that I could play again.
I was allowed to drive the cart closer to the greens, to eliminate walking (because I don’t do that very well). I had understand fellow golfers, and nobody playing behind us, so I could rest as needed. It was painful, but I succeeded.
I don’t think I will wait three years before trying again.
Dick S
AnonymousAugust 12, 2006 at 11:11 am
You have become my new inspiration….I was dx a year ago with GBS and 2 months ago with CIDP and have not been able to even think about swinging a golf club….I really miss it and really want to play again…..my oldest daughter is on her golf team and went to state this past spring and I wan’t even able to follow her round…tore me up but she did pretty good and placed 3rd overall…My dream is to take her to Ireland/Scottland on a golf outing next summer…hope I can make it……
Keep us posted on your next round!
Stephhen“Sex and Golf are the only two things you do not have to be good at to enjoy”
AnonymousAugust 15, 2006 at 10:07 am
How wonderful it must have felt just being on a golf course again! Even if one suffers a little the next day, I think it is so worth it… I would give anything to be on a tennis court again, I just remember the feeling. But since I walk with a cane & broke my right collerbone, I know it will never be. Keep going for those of us who can’t fulfill our own dreams.
Pam -
AnonymousAugust 15, 2006 at 2:54 pm
Congratulations! Your story reminds me of a very similar one in a book I just read called “You Don’t Look Sick.” The author, who has a chronic illness that causes pain and fatigue, talked about the experience of just doing something that you love to do and forgetting your limitations. It gave her a great sense of freedom and her body responded by allowing her to do more than she thought she could.
This happened with me when I started playing soccer again last winter. There were a million reasons not to do it, but I just said, “what the hell, I’m going to go for it” and was amazed by how well I did. Call it “endorphins,” “adrenaline” or whatever you want, we are all capable of going beyond our limitations when the correct opportunity presents itself.
Keep on swinging those clubs!
Brian Sullivan,
Burlington, VT
AnonymousAugust 19, 2006 at 2:58 am
Thanks a bunch for the supportive statements. I really appreciate all of you.
This past year has been full of change for me. So many changes.
Initially, I was approved for SS disability last year. The blessing there is that I have some stable income now. SS Disability is not the financial answer to get me into a Lexus, or have fancy things, but I am able to get our bills paid, with my wife’s help of course. Having that financial peace means so much. One piece of the puzzle.
I have started back working very parttime. I can make it 3 days a week, 5 hours a day. By the end of the week, I hurt pretty bad and need some days of bed time, and some days are bad, BUT I get out and feel like I am contributing. It isn’t much money, but it helps with gas money, and at the grocery store a bit. Another piece of the puzzle.
My tomatoes are coming in. I like tomatoes….. I planted 7 or 8 plants this spring, they are red on the vine. Nothing like home grown tomatoes. Nothing like reaping the rewards of caring efforts. Another piece of the puzzle.
I have come to better terms with my CIDP. It is hard at first to deal with it all. Not only the CIDP, but the life changing devastation that sometimes comes with it. Hard on the family, hard on the finances, hard on the life outlook, you all know what I mean. My CIDP is more painful now than it ever has been, it hasn’t gotten any better, only a bit worse. But I have made a conscious effort to be positive about what I have left, and what I can do. I try to avoid what I cannot do, and I am trying to remember that people would rather be around a happy person than a sad one. I have my bad days, that is for sure, but I can make those days better by not dwelling on the problems. Understanding the disease helps me deal with it. Wanting to be part of going forward keeps me on track. Accepting my limitations has made me happier. Several pieces of the puzzle.
My wife still loves me, our love and faith have continued to grow. I cannot imagine where I would be without my faith and my family.
I know I have many challenges in front of me. I know there will be days of excruciating pain. But I also know that I can control how I feel, and what my outlook will be.
That will make all of the difference.
Thank you all for all of YOUR support. We all need that. We often times cannot stand alone, but with help, we all can see together.
AnonymousAugust 22, 2006 at 1:11 pm
Hello Dick
Congratulation for going back to the golf field , it is so good to see old friends here able to get some things they use to do back in their lives again .
You are an inspiration to many of us ….thank you ,sharing your pieces of your puzzle with us gives to many the reason to hold on to their hopes and faith .
I wish you a more less painful days ahaid Dick and improvements .
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