Has anyone heard of MIRE?

    • Anonymous
      October 22, 2006 at 11:04 pm

      The following information is from a website for a physical therapy practice in the Chicago area. They claim they can treat a variety of neuropathies without invasive procedures or medications. It sounds too good to be true. Has anyone heard of this?

      [QUOTE]Monochromatic Infrared Energy (MIRE) is fitted into flexible pads that are applied to the skin on the feet, legs, hands, or any part of the body where it is needed. When the energy device is applied infrared (light) energy penetrates up to two inches deep to release Nitric Oxide from hemoglobin, which then dilates blood vessels, helps the nerves function, and reduces pain.

      Published clinical studies have shown that infrared therapy is extremely successful in treating the pain, numbness, tingling, burning, and lack of sensation that are common with neuropathy. This therapy has been used on thousands of patients and has been tested by NASA.[/QUOTE][HTML]http://www.ptnerve.com/index.html[/HTML]

    • Anonymous
      October 22, 2006 at 11:28 pm


      Just went onto the sight to read all about it. It sounds wonderful and I think I would like to give it a try if there is somewhere nearby (will have a look). My pain isnt constant, only when I use my hands for more than a few minutes, feet too. I would be interested to see how it affects those who have bad, constant pain. Thanks for the info.

    • Anonymous
      October 22, 2006 at 11:41 pm

      Cheryl, when i worked in a vet hospital, we treated a dog with that type of therapy. it worked well on the dog-was an older lady, walked really slow and knew exactly which room we did the therapy in, she would go into this room and lay on her side in the same place each time, and just lay there while i held the device on her back, hips and legs-she just slept during the treatment. after the therapy was finished she would give me a nudge and off she went running like a puppy, to her owner in the waiting area. by the reaction we got i think it would work just as well on people. we also used light therapy to heal open wounds and hotspots on animals-worked slowly, but it did work.
      you might want to check with your insurance person to see if that type of infrared therapy is covered-it could get expensive.

    • October 23, 2006 at 11:07 am

      This is a real therapy and available at a clinic in my local hospital. Unfortunately my neurologist said it would not help me much and any relief would be very temporary.

      We are all affected differently so I think you should ask your neurologist about it.


    • Anonymous
      October 23, 2006 at 11:54 am

      Perhaps a scientist might like to comment, I thought monochromatic infrared was heat not light. Also haemoglobin carries oxygen not nitrous oxide. I think the dictionary definition of mire may be preferable. ‘A mass of dirt’ or ‘to bespatter with mire or filth.’ DocDavid

    • October 23, 2006 at 2:47 pm

      Here’s the web site referred to by my local clinic.
      It includes a page on nitrous oxide and pain, as well as a passle of promises.

      My neurologist’s problem with it was the cost/benefit ratio. (Or maybe he did not want to insult the hospital’s newest toy. The hospital sent out local mail flyers to advertise the new service.)

      But you all know I will investigate any snake oil in my quest for a magic bullet. I think I often give my doctor a nice comic relief in my efforts to short cut the healing process. On the other hand, for me, emu oil (external) and grape seed extract (internal) truly make a huge difference in my pain levels.


    • Anonymous
      October 23, 2006 at 7:18 pm


      What an amazing story! I wonder if it works as well on humans.

      Sounds like Ali is going to try it. Let us know what happens, Ali – we’ll be interested to see how you like it.


    • Anonymous
      October 23, 2006 at 10:48 pm

      I had just this week heard of the emu oil and was going to ask. Here Flossie has a wonderful answer. Thanks. And I will Pass this on to the person who asked me about it.
      Mary Ann

    • Anonymous
      November 1, 2006 at 8:15 pm

      MIRE (also know by trade name Anodyne) is a therapy used to help with pain as well as numbness and tingling. I have used it and seen it work mostly with Diebetic Patients. I have not seen any Patients with GBS or CIDP use this treatments. We have tried it on other Nerve problems but have not seen much success with it. If anyone decides to try it let me know how it goes. I would be interested if it would help Jim. i have wondered about it but he just recently started getting weak again.

      – Jenny (Jim’s Physical Therpaist Wife)

    • October 31, 2017 at 4:04 pm

      I was looking over various posts for information on the use of anodyne therapy for CIDP when I ran across some possible information on its use for CIDP.

      I have been diagnosed with CIDP since 2002 by the VA after a year and a half worth of tests. They have been very helpful and willing to do anything that might help and believe me we’ve tried almost everything with the exception of prednisone plasmapheresis and I was using IV IG but could not tolerate it so it was discontinued. A week ago October 24, 2017 I was at the podiatry department of the VA in Battle Creek Michigan and after discussions they felt that I was a candidate to try anodyne therapy which they administer at that facility and it had for various types of neuropathy they said approximately 70% success. They have never done a patient with CIDP so this will be a first I just wanted to get any feedback that somebody might have in other parts of the country. I know that this original post was done in 2006 so a lot might have happened. I’ll keep you informed as it progresses I will be doing two sessions a week for three weeks off two weeks and possibly additional treatments or they will supply me with the machine. Looking forward to any comments, Al Remington East Lansing Michigan.

    • GH
      October 31, 2017 at 8:21 pm

      Here’s a discussion of MIRE from Blue Cross of Idaho:



      “Section Summary. The available controlled trials are small and of short duration. In 4 of 5 sham-controlled trials identified to date, MIRE therapy provided no more improvement in peripheral sensation, balance, pain, or quality of life than sham therapy in patients with peripheral diabetic neuropathy.”

    • GH
      October 31, 2017 at 8:31 pm

      Here’s the Quackwatch take on Anodyne:


      Infrared therapy is basically a high-tech heat pad.