GFR (Glomerular filtration rate)

    • Anonymous
      April 19, 2012 at 5:12 am

      My most recent GFR was 51–suggestive of chronic kidney disease. Normal is greater than 60. This is the first time it has been abnormal. I have been receiving IVIG every ten to fourteen days for almost two years now. I am somewhat worried now. Has anyone experience this before? The lab calculates the GFR by using the age, creatinine level, race, and age. I have never had any problems with my kidneys.

    • April 26, 2012 at 4:43 am

      Hello Exosurf,

      I would not be too concerned just yet; tests are sometimes skewed by other factors. Ask your doctor to repeat the test, making sure you are well hydrated when you do. If it is still low, then you should have a urine test done. If that is suggestive of kidney disease, then you should discuss the results with your primary care doctor, a nephrologist, and your neurologist. You might need to change brands, frequency, etc. of IVIg, switch to subcutaneous Ig, use an immunosuppressant, or use plasma exchange.

      Hoping that the result was a fluke,