GBS recovery update

    • March 11, 2010 at 10:59 pm

      Hi All,

      First, please know that this site continues to be a source of inspiration for my recovery.

      So – the good news! My primary care physician has cleared me to run a half-marathon in May (before GBS onset I had run two full marathons).

      So – the ok news- I am still experiencing tingling in hands, feet, and in a band around my abdomen. Other than that, I am strong, and continue to strengthen in my core areas and in my running endurance. I also have no reflexes – anywhere!

      Other than that (above), I feel fully recovered 🙂

      My GBS began (and I will NEVER forget the date!) on January 7, 2008. My respiration was never compromised, but I had to use a walker for 6 weeks after I was diagnosed with GBS. I am happy to say I have been “walker-free” for over two years.

      This website is an inspiration. Thanks for all who contribute.

    • March 12, 2010 at 5:52 am

      🙂 It’s always and inspiration to hear of a recovery like yours.
      Good luck with your marathon!

    • March 12, 2010 at 8:16 am

      Great news! Glad you have been cleared for the marathon, keep us posted.