Fundraising for medical bills
AnonymousMarch 30, 2009 at 12:56 pm
Does anyone know anything about accepting donations from freinds and family for medical bills? I have a group of freinds who are starting a fundraiser in my home town to assist my increasing bills. I am on SSDI and giving the economy my family needs help making ends meet and paying for treatments and medicine. Are there legal things I need to be aare of before I cash any checks?
AnonymousMarch 30, 2009 at 2:14 pm
I am not a lawyer or familiar with IRS law, but I know in my area when funds are set up to help a family in need, a special fund is set up with a local bank for individuals to send donations to.
You local bank may be able to assist you with anwsering questions properly.
I’m so glad you are surrounded by such loving care. -
AnonymousMarch 30, 2009 at 2:29 pm
Hi Michael.
As Erin said, how lucky you are to be surrounded by many people that love you.
I dont believe there are any real problems with holding a charity benefit.
My sister and I had a fund raiser for my Mom before she passed away. It was a breast cancer awareness/fund raiser in my Mom’s honor. We had it at a bar where we knew the owner and he let us do pretty much anything.
A friend of mine brought her band and charged admission and gave us the money. We also held a poker contest-a 20 dollar buy in or something like that, and had raffles and food. It was alot of fun and a good turn out. Lots of people came just to give money and didnt stay while others stayed until wee hours of the morning. We charged like ten bucks for the band and food-which was a good deal.We were definitely overwhelmed by the generosity. I had said at the time, too bad we couldnt have made it a CIDP awareness also but it was for my Mom…she needed it most.
We had brochures and flyers about breast cancer. Maybe your friends and family could do something similar to help raise awareness.Good luck…hope you are feeling well these days.
Stacey 🙂
AnonymousMarch 30, 2009 at 2:32 pm
One other thing…
I just remembered, the only thing you need to really be careful of, that I can think of, is where they hang the flyers advertising the benefit.Also, they can go to local vendors/restaurants and ask for donations for raffles for CIDP awareness.
You’d be surprised how generous some restaurants can be…even tanning places , movie theatres, grocery stores, etc.
AnonymousMarch 31, 2009 at 10:33 am
We didnt raise that kind of money so we didnt ask for any advice . It was all cash and we put it right into her bank acct and paid bills with it.
I suppose if you’re going to be raising several thousand like Dawn did…(wow by the way!), it can get more complicated.
Either way…do you know how they are going to do it yet ?
good luck- I hope yours can be as successful as Dawn’s !
AnonymousMarch 31, 2009 at 12:52 pm
They are using Facebook to network and get donation mailed to me. If anyone here wishes to help. Oor bank account is in the red and overdraught charges have devestated us this week. I now most folks here are in the same position as me but I am 36 years old on SSDI and stay at home dad. I truly need help and it was hard to ask for it. I apprectiate this forum so much…
Michael Childs
4601 Battle Forest Lane
Greensboro NC 27455Wishing you all well.
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