First week back at work.
AnonymousSeptember 18, 2010 at 1:30 pm
I had my first week back at work last week and it went pretty well. The first day I was dragging myself around by 2:30, but on subsequent days I would do better. I stuck to my desk as much as possible and sat reclined in my car at lunch time listening to the radio. When people ask me how I’m [U]really[/U] doing, the ones that get very inquisative, I now saying as little as possible. One close friend on hearing how I was in total wanted me to call her to fetch my tea, water and demanded that I go with her and her friends to their favorite resting place for lunch. I couldn’t convince her how much I enjoyed the solitary time off listening to the NPR station. So I just went anyway.
At least she taught me to keep my mouth shut about GBS at work. Now when asked how I am I say 90%. It’s so much nicer ‘talking’ with you guys that the general public.
Thanks so much for being there!
AnonymousSeptember 18, 2010 at 2:11 pm
Hi Mark
I just started full time about a month ago. I basically, like you do not like talking about how I feel. I spoke with my boss and told him I need to rest a couple of times per day. We found an empty office, so that is where I go to take my breaks. I take 1/2 hour in morning and again in the afternoon. I work through lunch at my desk. I have found that I can down load books on tape directly on line from my library onto my phone. So, for my breaks I go to this office, shut my eyes, put in my ear pods and listen to a book. So far this has worked for me. Good luck back at work. I know even though I am tired, I feel good about the security of being able to do my job.
Going back to work is a major accomplishment of which you should be proud.
Harryb -
AnonymousSeptember 18, 2010 at 10:10 pm
It is a shame that you had to convince your well-meaning friends that you needed some quiet time at lunch. We have to be an advocate for our healing and solitude sounds very healing. Maybe the GBS horror that you went through is too fresh to discuss it with your co-workers. Perhaps down the road you might want to discuss it with them. I find that the more people I talk to and mention it, I either find that they know someone who has had it OR I use it to educate them…especially about the dangers of stress and immunizations.
Maybe you could use US as an excuse. Tell them that a survivor on this site who had GBS 2 Times (moi) advised you to get some down time – Alone – at lunch.. at least for the first few weeks/months.
Isn’t it great to have this family who are understanding … and available 24/7?? and you can visit whenever you feel up to it!! -
AnonymousOctober 4, 2010 at 5:20 am
Hi Harry,
MY first three weeks went pretty well! The first week I was really dragging myself around in the beginning, but now I have no problem. On Friday the weather made me late in the morning, so I decided to work straight through. To see what it was liike and if I could start going to the gym on my at lunch again. Well by the end of the day I was dragging again. I’ll going to keep taking those lunch time rest breaks in the car. In another month I’ll try the gym. Do you work out?
AnonymousOctober 4, 2010 at 6:58 am
[QUOTE=Mark in New York]Hi Harry,
MY first three weeks went pretty well! The first week I was really dragging myself around in the beginning, but now I have no problem. On Friday the weather made me late in the morning, so I decided to work straight through. To see what it was liike and if I could start going to the gym on my at lunch again. Well by the end of the day I was dragging again. I’ll going to keep taking those lunch time rest breaks in the car. In another month I’ll try the gym. Do you work out?
No, Mark I do not work out but I should. My job is nine hours with half at a desk and the other half walking around the production floor. Also lots of steps. The most that I have been able to walk at one time is about a mile. When I get home from work I rest about an hour each day. Good Luck again and if you can remember which one it is, put your best foot forward -
AnonymousOctober 4, 2010 at 8:53 am
[QUOTE=Mark in New York]Hi Harry,
MY first three weeks went pretty well! The first week I was really dragging myself around in the beginning, but now I have no problem. Mark.[/QUOTE]
Awesome news!! It’s very encouraging to read such wonderful progress. 🙂 Although I’m 19 years post GBS, I typically sit at my desk during lunch and read, relax and store up energy for the rest of the day.
Take care!!
AnonymousOctober 4, 2010 at 8:56 am
[QUOTE=Harryb]No, Mark I do not work out but I should. My job is nine hours with half at a desk and the other half walking around the production floor. Also lots of steps. The most that I have been able to walk at one time is about a mile. When I get home from work I rest about an hour each day. Good Luck again and if you can remember which one it is, put your best foot forward[/QUOTE]
Hey Harry,
It sounds like you’re probably getting in a good mile (or more) while you’re at work. If you clip on a pedometer, you’d be amazed at how quickly those steps add up. 😀
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