Did you have stomachache/headache with GBS?
AnonymousAugust 19, 2006 at 11:40 am
I’m writing this for another mom. I am Dells mom on the CIDP site. I met this mom at the hospital yesterday in AL.
She has a 5 year old and the neuro. says he has GBS from the biopsy. He’s in the hospital getting IVIG.
He complains about stomach aches and headaches along with other stuff that is consistant to GBS/CIDP. Does anyone have or have had those before you were dx? They do not have anything to do with IVIG since he has had the symptoms even before he started getting IVIG.
Thanks for any help.
AnonymousAugust 19, 2006 at 10:47 pm
headaches yes, stomach slowed way down in digesting and moving food through the system because of gbs. please make sure that little boy is getting benadryl before his treatments of ivig along with tylenol for his headaches. make sure his mom knows to ask for those. it will help. my thoughts and prayers are with him and dell also.
AnonymousAugust 20, 2006 at 6:22 pm
Thinking about the stomach ache …… because of my paralysis, I was unable to urinate or pass stool. The latter being the problem because I had a catheter for urine, but everyone seemed to forget about the other. As a result, I had incredible pain in my stomach, and then started affecting the rest of my body after a while, until somebody realized what was happening. Could it be possible that his muscles are not strong enough for him to empy his bowels properly, and maybe this is causing the stomach ache? Just a possibility.
AnonymousAugust 21, 2006 at 4:47 pm
I had a serious headache leading before being diagnosed with GBS and it lasted throught my hospital stay and beyond. The stomach ache for me only started about 1-2 weeks after being in the hospital and that was due to lacking the muscles for a normal BM. The hospitals were giving stool softeners every day but apparently that wasnt enough to keep things moving along, so I second what [i]ali[/i] says about the inability to pass stool, it is definatly worth checking into as that can cause a new set of problems in addition to the GBS.
Very interesting! I had no idea others went thru this! Before my problems started I had several migraines a week for about two or two and half weeks…now I have had them occassionally almost all my life but these were more often and nothing seemed to touch them unless I was able to knock myself out with excedrine PM or something and sleep with an ice pack and a towel over my eyes. I also felt not quite myself, more fatigued than usual and couldnt seem to get enough rest. No body aches or pain other than the intense headaches, no fevers, no stomach aches.
AnonymousAugust 22, 2006 at 11:47 am
I am waiting on a possible diagnosis of GBS but have been having the WORST headaches imagineable for the last 2 weeks. Glad to know that I am not alone and that it isnt all in my head. I have been beginning to think I am wacko. 😮
But I am sorry to hear that such a little person is stricken with this awful disease. As a mother of 2 girls (ages 7 and 8) I cant begin to imagine one of my children going through the things I have been.My heart goes out to you all.
[QUOTE=trish]God Bless all of you for helping me understand my sons pain. It hurts really bad for your child to cry and cry but, the simple kiss and the little hugs do not work anymore.
Oh Trish that brings tears to my eyes. I am so sorry you are going through this and I am sorry your son is so uncomfortable. The magic of Mommys kisses and hugs always make things better. They may not make it all better unfortunately, but the love and support he feels is so important to his recovery. I will pray for him and for you…stay strong and be there for your angel, my prayers are with you both.Lori
AnonymousAugust 23, 2006 at 11:37 am
[QUOTE=trish]God Bless all of you for helping me understand my sons pain. It hurts really bad for your child to cry and cry but, the simple kiss and the little hugs do not work anymore.
Trish – your hugs and kisses work more than you know. I am 31yrs old and once I was transfered to the Mayo Clinic, my mom and dad stayed in hotels down there M-F and my boyfriend was down there on the weekends. My parents helped me out by helping me to shower, rollover, feed me, etc but I cant even say how good it was for them to just be there. I would sleep off and on throught the day since everything wore me out and they would be there when I fell asleep and when I woke up as well. My parents being there for me was so good and helpful for me and kept me feeling positive. Knowing how much I appreciated them at 31 then a child I’m sure would appreciate it even more so. So hang in there and just know that your son appreciates it more than you realize and more than he could put into words.
AnonymousFebruary 13, 2007 at 6:54 pm
I’m new Dx(1/8/07) 38 y/o mother of a 5 y/o and a 15 month old and my heart goes out to you . I can’t imagine a child’s suffering. I too had a severe neck, headache, and fever at the begining. I then developed a spinal leak from the lumbar puncture and didn’t get a patch(they inject your own blood back in the lumbar area)for 5 days(lots of suffering ). This radically fixed the Headache.I also didn’t eat for 8 days then barely. Severe nausea and my tongue was numb(no taste). The ivig really helped and when the neuro symptoms inproved the neck/back pain and nausea improved. Have them try reglan, Zofran, and benedryl. Also check for urinary or stool retention. Also it might also be from the original viral infection. Also have them check for porphoryia(linked to GBS and can cause belly pain-just a blood test). Also needs to be ruled out for any infectious disease(ie camphylobactor stool infection is linked to GBS) . Hope this helps. Dr. Shawn
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