CIDP neurologists at UCLA?

    • November 26, 2017 at 8:15 am

      Hello, working through the beginning stages of detailed CDIP diagnosis with my spouse. Although EMG/NCS studies still pending (scheduled 12/7/17), her symptoms are virtually 100% consistent with a diagnosis of CIDP. She has been seen by a neurologist but not someone specifically trained in studying CIDP. UCLA is listed as a Center of Excellence, wondering if any readers in the Los Angeles area have any experience with either the UCLA Neurology Department or neurologists practicing in Los Angeles. Thanks.

    • June 7, 2018 at 7:26 pm

      We go to this doctor. She is great.

      Dr. Shalini Mahajan, MD

      Attune Health
      8750 Wilshire Blvd Ste 350
      Beverly Hills, CA 90211

      Contact Information
      (310) 652-0010

    • June 11, 2018 at 3:26 pm

      There isn’t any neuro muscular doctor in Las Vegas (only neuro), therefore my insurance paid for UCLA consult and testing out of state (UCLA) to see if my neurologist and local hospital had correct diagnosis and agrees with treatment ordered. This neuro muscular doctor at UCLA spent 2 hour consult and only EMG test repeated in his office and did confirm correct diagnosis and treatment given in Vegas. In consult, he asked every test I was given in Vegas hospital and doctor office and dates given. Once I told him all the test and dates, he said it was not necessary to do all over again and spend more money (insurance and/or myself). I was very pleased and relieved that my neurologist in Vegas was doing everything correctly. Today (3 1/2 yrs later), I’m doing so much better.

      Dr. Perry Shieh, MD, PHD
      UCLA Health System (Center of Excellence)

    • June 11, 2018 at 3:49 pm

      Others on this forum have recommended Dr Perrin Pleninger at UCLA. More info here: