burning sensation on skin around eye area
AnonymousDecember 18, 2006 at 1:35 pm
Hi, Happy Holidays to everyone. I haven’t been on this site in awhile. Hate to sound like a whiner, but I had the full course of GBS in 2001. As the years have gone by, my recurrent symptoms get worse. Lots of nerves running up and down legs and burning hot spots normally on legs, i’m experiencing less and less energy and am becoming more depressed. Most of my symtoms have been in the lower part of my body mostly in legs and ankles, feet. Can’t stand up very long because of pain in ankles. No satisfaction from drs. Anyway for about the last month I have had a burning (hot spot) sensation surrounding my left eye area, high up on the cheekbone. It seems to come and go, but lately with alot of emotional stress, etc it has become worse. I went in for eye exam 2 weeks and mentioned to eye doctor. He says he sees nothing – there is no rash and my vision is not impaired. He suggested that I might be starting to have shingles. I told him that I think it is GBS related, because I have the same sensations in my legs. He said shingles usually starts on left side and could result in scabs going into my eye. he suggested I see my neurologist. Good luck on that tried getting in and it takes about 6 months with all records from attending physician from 6 years ago. I think, my gut feeling, its purely GBS and just want to know if any other victims out there have experienced. By the way, I was talking to RN friend and she has treated many GBS victims and I think she had the most accurate description of it _ she said “it’s rape” a total assault of you whole nervous system. I certainly agreed with that description. Please reply someone.
AnonymousDecember 18, 2006 at 2:07 pm
hi bunny, welcome back. it is normal for me to have those hot spots, i’m not sure if its from gbs or not but it has only happened since my gbs started. from all the cases of shingles that i have been around it doesn’t sound like it to me, usually shingles is only on one side of the abdomen/rib cage area around to the backside. my father in law had shingles really bad a few years ago and it stayed on the rib cage area front and back only on the leftside. when my muscles act up around my eyes it is on one side at a time and doesn’t last for more then a few days. i just go with the flow and stay on my neurontin and wait it out. with gbs you never know what is normal or not until you end up in the hospital is my view, no use worrying about what is the cause if there is no test, treatment or cure for it. make sure you get plenty of rest it is still very important. take care.
AnonymousDecember 18, 2006 at 2:26 pm
hi bunny,
as cheryl says, neurontin for pain. how much RU taking? where do you live? i may be able to suggest a neuro near you. your symptoms keep getting worse? i wonder if you need more rest or if you might have cidp [chronic gbs]? has your neuro done any emg/ncvs to help rule on it? take care. be well.
gene gbs 8-99
in numbers there is strength -
AnonymousDecember 18, 2006 at 4:36 pm
Hi Gene – it’s good to here from you thanks for replying. I’m not good at figuring this system out. I don’t take neurontin or any drugs other than an occasional valium when stressed out and symptoms are happening. I live in southern california and was in Loma Linda hospital for six weeks after original onset. That is where the neuro is. Rest and de -stress seems to help as this seems to happen when tired or emotional —which happen alot lately. I hope you are doing well – God Bless – Bunny
AnonymousDecember 18, 2006 at 5:14 pm
Well I guess I finally found someone who might believe me, however it usually affects my entire face. Burns like the dickens…sometimes for hours, but I do notice it’s whenI ‘m more physically or mentally stresed. I’ve been controlling my pain a little better with the cymbalta and Klonopin but I can’t say my stamins is very good. The battery burns out around 2 pm in the afternooon and it’s a struggle from there on out. Normalcy…..now what could that be like? It’s been almost 6 years for me but I’m still wishing on that majic star. Good luck with everything, and know matter what weird thing might pop up, I’m quite sure it’s in behalf of our old friend GBS. xoxoxoxo Roxie
AnonymousDecember 18, 2006 at 6:16 pm
Roxie thanks for the support. I think you’re right it’s our old friend or/enemy GBs. You and I both were attacled six years ago. Does it seem to you that your symptoms have worsened in the last few years compared to the initial recovery when the total paralyisis went out. I seemed to have more energy back then, but as you say, I agree I never have had much energy past 2 pm an I don’t know how old you are, but I’m 59, and the older I get the worse I am and the less energy I have. It could be worse, and I’m grateful for what I have. But this burning sensation in the face is totally annoying. I’m sorry that you are experiencing the same thing, but I too am glad to know I’m not crazy. This is a crazy experience and most of those pop ups are related to the old GBS’er. I saw a man on the news, I live in CA, the other day and he was taling about his GBS and what he was stricken with and how his life has been devastated ever since. Anyway the program was about bacteria and food and he felt he got GBS as a result of eating chicken that wasn’t thoroughly cooked. Who knows, nobody really knows where it comes from. I thought mine was from the Swine flu shot – the one and only flu shot I’ve ever had and that was in 1977 and laid dormant until 2001. Still not sure and neither is anyone else. Now I get the slightest stressed or some infection and I feel taken down. I try to keep on keepin’ on. Take care.
AnonymousDecember 18, 2006 at 9:17 pm
I have taken a portion of article “[FONT=Arial][B]Disability After “Recovery” From GBS” [/B][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][URL=”http://www.angelfire.com/home/gbs/aftergbs.html”]http://www.angelfire.com/home/gbs/aftergbs.html[/URL] cut and paste.[/FONT]
and I have highlighted a section that has to do with ‘age’. we all know that our bodies grow weaker as we age, and therefore, (this is my own opinion) whatever has been damaged by the GBS, rears its ugly head for some of us. I too have been diagnosed with shingles, which comes around if I am under stress, and that was diagnosed about 5 or 6 years after my initial onset ….. and my doc said then that they thought it had, in a round about way, to do with GBS.[quote]
However, many decades after GBS, recovered muscles once weakened by the disease may again grow weak
. This is a slow process that occurs over years, and may at first escape the patient’s notice. It is likely that this delayed weakness [B]is the effect of the normal gradual age-related nerve cell loss on muscles that have a reduced reserve nerve supply from earlier GBS.[/B] The same phenomenon has been observed after poliomyelitis (“post-polio syndrome”) and other forms of acute nerve injury.
[/quote] -
AnonymousDecember 18, 2006 at 11:08 pm
CA UCLA: Dr. Michael Graves is highly regarded and is a member of the advisory board of the GBSFI. I found him to be caring and knowledgable.
Los Angles area doc with gbs experience is Dr Emilio Cruz. He was really good… his # (818) 842-8177
physical threpist Joyce Campbell, Ph.D., P.T. she is a proferssor in the Dept. of physical therapy Cal. State University, Long Beach . She runs 2 floors of GBS patients.
Santa Cruz – Dr. Michael Gansauer Santa Cruz Medical Clinic 831-476-8900
Huntington Beach – Dr. George Perrine 19066 Magnolia Street, Huntington Beach, California (CA) take care. be well.
gene gbs 8-99
in numbers there is strength -
AnonymousDecember 24, 2006 at 1:00 pm
[QUOTE=bunnyrarebit]Hi, Happy Holidays to everyone. I haven’t been on this site in awhile. Hate to sound like a whiner, but I had the full course of GBS in 2001. As the years have gone by, my recurrent symptoms get worse. Lots of nerves running up and down legs and burning hot spots normally on legs, i’m experiencing less and less energy and am becoming more depressed. Most of my symtoms have been in the lower part of my body mostly in legs and ankles, feet. Can’t stand up very long because of pain in ankles. No satisfaction from drs. Anyway for about the last month I have had a burning (hot spot) sensation surrounding my left eye area, high up on the cheekbone. It seems to come and go, but lately with alot of emotional stress, etc it has become worse. I went in for eye exam 2 weeks and mentioned to eye doctor. He says he sees nothing – there is no rash and my vision is not impaired. He suggested that I might be starting to have shingles. I told him that I think it is GBS related, because I have the same sensations in my legs. He said shingles usually starts on left side and could result in scabs going into my eye. he suggested I see my neurologist. Good luck on that tried getting in and it takes about 6 months with all records from attending physician from 6 years ago. I think, my gut feeling, its purely GBS and just want to know if any other victims out there have experienced. By the way, I was talking to RN friend and she has treated many GBS victims and I think she had the most accurate description of it _ she said “it’s rape” a total assault of you whole nervous system. I certainly agreed with that description. Please reply someone.[/QUOTE]
From my understanding that shingles are all part of the immune system – I had Miller Fisher 3/06 and had fever sores, shingles – which I was told is all part of GBS varient – I was given ‘Valtrex’ which did wonders – still have symptoms like you and start the Valrex and it works. Hopefully – this helps.
Sally – email [email]sasmaw@tampabay.rr.com[/email]
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