Another Update on my Undiagnosed GBS (sorry…long)

    • Anonymous
      February 23, 2010 at 9:08 pm

      Hi Fellow-GBS’ers, and the gals, too:
      Those of you who know my history here for the pst year or so know that I’ve had a terrible time getting a diagnosis or treatment for my GBS symptoms, which began after my flu shot in November 2007.
      Finally, after much suffering and crippling over the first 1 3/4 years, I was sent for a CT scan which the doctor told me showed that I didn’t have MS.
      As usual, nothing else was explained to me about the results, the EKG and blood tests I had a couple of times. GBS was not acknowledged.

      Last fall, the doc requisitioned a MRI for me, but when it came time to set up the appointment, I found out from the receptionist that the MRI would require me being injected with dye. I know that I am allergic to dyes, along with other substances, and have had serious reactions to them in the past, so I did not go ahead with the MRI appointment.

      Just lately, what with renewing my other meds for asthma, I was able to see a new doc, twice actually, who is actually treating me like a human being.
      This doc seems interested in my case and in my circumstances. You all know that with the GBS, I’ve had one (don’t wanta swear here) hard time earning a living teaching fine arts because of the damage to my fine motor coordination.

      Anyhow, this new doc seems sympathetic, but wants me to go to a neuro, have a lumbar puncture, nerve conduction tests with needles poked into my nerves, and go on some kind of drug for pain. I said right away that I’d rather not be damaged or further maimed any more than I already am, or even killed.
      To which the doc said that lumbar punctures won’t harm me, can’t cause GBS, and if I have a reaction it would be the fault of any pre-existing condition. To which I said, I have too many allergies, and too many problems with serious reactions to take chances. The lumbar puncture would be done in a small hospital, not a big center with better specialists. I recall having been told by 3 different nurses not to have a L.P. unless its done by a well-qualified doc, because they saw spinal chord damage and paralysis occur in patients who didn’t fare well after a LP.

      So I’m in a quandary; I think it’s too late to actually do much at this point for my condition. The doc agreed with me about that several times. As you know, I have not used meds for the pain, just acetaminophen, because I already take other meds, and have had other reactions to various drugs in the past. The doc asked me a lot of questions about money, disability, income tax status, stuff like that.
      Well, for the past 2 1/3 years I’ve been struggling to cope and survive; my emergency-savings was in place from past squirrelling-away habits, so if I eke it out slowly and still have some work I can survive for several years or so, and hopefully keep doing this till I can retire at age 65 and get my old age pension.

      I just don’t trust the doctors anymore. Science did this to me, and then they reacted with silence, disbelief, trying to discredit me, turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to my pain and crippling for close to 2 years. How do I know what will happen to me next? This shouldn’t have happened to me in the first place, and if they had listened to me before, they would have advised against further flu shots, since I was already reacting from the one I had the year before. The doc had never heard of CIDP before today, and said that GBS is 1 in a million.
      That’s not so…another person in my town of 1600 people got it at the same time as me. And at least 1 person in the city 28 miles away got it, and got into the media. So that’s 3 people in 100,000 for sure, and who knows how many more undiagnosed or misdiagnosed.

      Being trusting, gullible and easily talked into things, I’m afraid of forgetting what caused this, what I’ve endured, what I know of my health, and allergic reactions and sensitivities, and I’m afraid I’ll be a darned fool to go ahead with any more medical procedures when the docs don’t seem to know what they’re doing sometimes, or admit what they’ve done other times.

      I’ve just been getting used to dragging my feet all the time, and being in pain, and still having jolts of nerve pain, and contractions of muscle pain. My eyes are still very weak, and I still see white spots, but I’ve gotten more used to things, and don’t focus on this stuff much. I just get on with my life, as best as I can, and don’t really think too much about the way I look or whatever.
      It’s just harder to do things, and takes longer, and tires me out, and some stuff I don’t do any more, because I can’t… and that’s in the past.

      So, why take a chance and have something else happen to me, God only knows, when right now I have the power of choice, and just have to live with my condition as it is?

      Thanks for letting me get my feelings out; thanks for being there for me.
      The doc didn’t have much confidence in me learning about GBS on the internet, and in the info I get from other people in my support group here, but in my opinion this is the only place that gave me the facts, and the case studies of all of the people here have many things in common, and have helped me to learn a lot. Maybe I would have lost my mind (moreso, counting the GBS factor, lol) if I hadn’t have found the support I got here. I know my former doc never gave me any…and neither did anyone else I turned to. So why is this doc discounting the info, and what we learn from each other in our support group?

      Thanks again for understanding, and for being here for me.
      But you know why I can’t trust these docs any more, so stand by me, please.
      I wish I could believe they could help me, but since the docs both said they couldn’t help me walk again…I suggested physiotherapy, but it was discounted…why should I be tortured further? I can’t afford any more damage…or I will lose the tiny bit of ability and livelihood I have left.
      I’d rather not be lab-ratted, just to satisfy them so I can get disability.
      I couldn’t cope if they make any more mistakes.

      I corrected my usual spelling-confusion for most part; out of sympathy for the Thanks for bearing with me through this post. Will be in touch.

    • February 23, 2010 at 11:26 pm

      Hi D.U. I am going to send you a private message.:)

    • Anonymous
      February 24, 2010 at 9:30 am


      Don’t get me going on the docs. I agree with you. They discredit the information from the forum because they don’t know. How many GBS/CIDP cases have they seen and treated? I am supposed to be with experts on GBS, so I was told, and they say to me, “we don’t know why you are having these symptoms, the only residual is tingling.” “Anxiety could have caused you to lose your reflexes.” “You seem very anxious.” I kid you not!!

      I was petrified of the lumbar puncture myself, but I was told that you cannot get paralyzed because it is below the spot where you could. Also, if you have a leak, they can do a blood patch to help with the headaches. I am like you in that I am very sensitive to meds and I take little for my pain. However, after declining my LP, I decided to let them do whatever test they need to figure this out. You may want to at least get the EMG/NCV, which is not too painful.

      Good luck! You and I are the same boat with the flu vaccine. You try to do the right thing and then you are left with a potentially lifetime problem and poor health. Argh!

    • Anonymous
      February 24, 2010 at 7:12 pm

      D.U. I can so relate. Trust your instincts! I, too, have often been made more sick by the treatments than my illnesses. I know I harp on this in this forum, but my health was completely turned around by a doctor specializing in nutrition and food intolerances. On my first visit, I thought this guy was a joke. A year later, I am amazed at how different my health is. I live near a major medical center, which has an entire practice in complementary medicine. I’m not sure where you live, but if you have a large city near you, you might find a similar practice there. I stay away from aggressive procedures because once I’m sick, they can throw me over the edge. I found out many meds contained things I was allergic to. Also, look for a compounding pharmacist. You can get totally non-allergenic meds made especially for you. The difference between those and over the counter pills is amazing. I don’t buy anything off the shelf anymore. Good luck. I did have some leeway to experiment because my GBS was not severe and I was not in a medical crisis. But my quality of life was pretty depressing at that time.

    • Anonymous
      February 25, 2010 at 10:03 pm

      Thanks gals, I really appreciate your support and understanding.
      I think I will try to remember to use the common sense God gave me, in view of my past experiences, plus the facts as they are outlined by so many GBS-CIDP patients on this forum.

      Sometimes with these docs, it’s a case of “the blind leading the blind, and both shall fall into the ditch”.

      As far as I understand it, it’s way too late after 2 1/3 years for any practical diagnostic benefit from spinal tap or MRI, since the elevated proteins which are usually seen at the spine during acute onset will by now be greatly diminished, and back where they belong growing my hair and fingernails. During the acute onset, my hair was falling out and my fingernails became deformed (still have some nail deformities, they keep occuring every relapse, and I can see it in my fingernails as they grow out again, the deformities timing right to date of the relapse. Also lose more hair these times. But these relapses are minor compared to the terrible suffering of the onset stage.

      The Doc tested me this week with the little electric-shock needle-zapper, you know…the tiny device with the heated needle or electric-shock needle (I’m not sure); zapping me in about 50 places on my legs, feet, arms, etc. I didn’t feel them very strongly most of the time, but today I’ve got little sharp pains all over the place where I was zapped. Wouldn’t those zaps be harmful to the nerves under my skin that are presently trying to heal? That’s what I mean…now I have a big burst blood vessel on one foot, and I’m having a harder time walking today…
      Doc also finger-pressed very hard on my swollen legs for a long time (so it seemed), causing me to scream in pain repeatedly…the people in the waiting room all stared at me when I came out of the office. 😮
      Thank God that’s over.

      I’ve got another bunch of blood tests to do; nothing but a waste of time, I’m sure, just like the others…I’m already so muscle-weak, also have been diagnosed with anaemia a couple of years back, but I take 1 pill of multivitamins/multiminerals every day for it, and try to improve my diet. Now I’m supposed to get weakened further by the fasting and blood-testing. Then again, it costs me money I can’t afford to spend in order to travel for the blood-tests, and to rebuild up my blood again with more groceries. And I sure don’t look forward to more allergy testing; last time 1993, all those red allergic spots just kept swelling and getting larger every day for about 2weeks, and I felt awful.
      That’s going to impact on my work. Just how I’m supposed to cope with all this, I don’t know, and it only weakens me and burns up money that I need to hang onto right now. The other doc told me that he couldn’t help me, so that’s probably going to be the only outcome here too.

      What would help me is a scooter, so I wouldn’t wear out my already overtaxed muscles, and then the pain would diminish too. But I’m just glad to have the medical walker with the seat, so I can walk where I need to go for my errands, and sit when tired. Wonder why this Doc said no to physiotherapy. I think it might help me a little, at least try to tone the muscles with some gentle stretches to deal with some of the deterioration and cramping.

      Well to close off for now…I have trusted them in the past, and that turned out to be a disaster for me. And after that they gave me the silent treatment, and dealt with my concerns by being indifferent and disbelieving. I may end up talking to the neuro, but I don’t want to be talked into anything that would harm me further.

      Yesterday also was a really trying day; I’d like to talk about it, but I felt so sad that I’ve tried just to forget it. Today I felt so burned-out and weary, but I had a bright spot. One of my little music students comes for an hour; and at one point asked me how much time was left in the lesson. I said 5 minutes, and got the reply….”awww….I wish it was 20 minutes”.
      That really gave me a perk. So on this day anyway, my career has not yet ended.

      Sending you all a hug that can’t possibly hurt those hypersensitive nerves:

      (((((((( ))))))))


    • February 26, 2010 at 10:20 am

      Hi Donna, I am going to send you another pm.

    • Anonymous
      February 27, 2010 at 12:44 pm

      Since the nerve testing with the electric hot needle, I’ve been in quite a bit of pain for 3 days. Lots of burning spots on my legs and feet, some on my hands, lots of little purple bruises. Can’t sleep at night because of the pain.
      And I was doing so much better. Now I have to heal again.

      I’m one of the few people on this forum who have had no medical intervention or drugs for the GBS symptoms. I have been healing naturally for 2 1/3 years, taking acetaminophen for the pain when it is too hard to cope.
      The docs testing has damaged me again. Frying the skin nerves with burning hot needles. And now I have to live with it when it’s so hard to heal GBS, and takes so much time, so much pain…

      ….actually, I’m feeling quite ticked-off at the moment, because of this experience. Now I have to recover from the effects of the tests. 😡
      And it isn’t as if I have healthy nerves to spare, or even damaged nerves to spare for testing which yields me no gain. Feet hurt too much to walk now.
      Sometimes I just feel like an injured dog, and would like to crawl away to heal or die. And that’s just what I have been doing for 2 1/3 years, and they can’t let well enough alone.
      And then they say I have to get over my fear. :rolleyes:
      Well, why am I afraid? Because they injured me with their vaccine, and then treated me with indifference. And now they finally want to poke around on me. Telling me that it won’t harm me. Oh yeah???? I’ll be the judge of that!!!

      PS: I feel ice-cold today, and can’t warm up. I guess ‘Grumpy’ better go take a nap.
      Sorry, but I really need this place to talk out my feelings and thoughts.

    • Anonymous
      March 3, 2010 at 11:59 pm

      Feet seem to be relapsing now; back to the constant painful tingling, icy cold.
      Lots of foot and leg cramps again; some hand cramps. Chilled fingers, feels so painful again. Lots of low back pain, and chilled butt.
      Have turned up the heat over and over again; wearing all the clothes I can; even in my Kamik felt pack boots outdoors, my feet are ice cold, and it’s only -4 degrees outside.
      You could chill a case of beer on my feet. 😎 (not that I drink alcohol)

      Hafta tell the NewDoc about this next time.

    • Anonymous
      March 10, 2010 at 11:36 pm

      Today received notice from landlord. Big plans for major renovation in my unit.
      Going to send Hydro personnel on Friday to test with ‘blower’ for air losses around windows and doors. Planning on a long list of very troublesome renos in my unit on all 3 floors, removing insulation, installing more insulation, removing toilet, installing new toilet. Want me to move all my major appliances (full freezer, washer, dryer) 4 feet away from the walls, move all my shelves, etc in basement 4 feet away from walls, climb up onto top bunk bed to move all items off so they can go up above trap-door into the attic to change insulation there too. Want to install fluorescent lighting.

      Last time they did reno in bathroom, they removed moldy insulation and tiles, which filled my unit with mold, made me terribly ill, causing me to need to be rehoused for 3 weeks. Big mess when I got back; took a long time to get well.
      Allergies and asthma and heart were affected that time. That was before GBS.

      What am I going to do??? Can’t even use fluorescent lighting because my eyesight and skin is intolerant to it due to almost 20 years on corticosteroids.
      The UV lighting causes immediate hives and skin rashes and darkening vision.
      Can’t lift or move heavy furniture and appliances; can’t balance on ladder to move stuff off the bunkbed so they can access the attic. Can’t handle the insulation fibers, molds, dust, caulking compounds. It’s winter, and can’t even open the windows. The kitchen fan is not working to remove fumes.

      And what about my employment? Can’t teach music with noise, dust, people and illness. What is the matter with these people? The forms state that they are going to save money with all of these energy-efficient measures because they want to help us low-income people in our low-income housing units, but I know that my health can’t take this. My heart and lungs and general health at this time just can’t deal with it.

    • Anonymous
      March 11, 2010 at 2:27 pm

      Today I called the landlord, explained my health issues again, and asked for an exemption regarding the renovations.
      For 13 years I’ve been an exemplary tenant here, but now all of a sudden they are raising the isssue of re-housing me. The truth is on my side, and I am fighting with everything I can think of to keep my unit, so I can hang on to what health I still have, and continue to earn my living. They know I will never qualify for a disability since I can still teach beginners music (5 students). I just want to stay put, and be left alone, and not impacted worse than ever by their dangerous and toxic renovations.

      They’re holding off, for now. But sent the superintendent over this AM to snow-job me. Wouldn’t listen to a thing I said. I just kept repeating myself to him, till suddenly my highbloodpressure got the best of me, and I collapsed in a chair, shaking with violent tremors from head to toe and angina pain in my chest. He just ignored it and kept on talking. What a horrible ordeal; no honesty and integrity in these departments, just rush a project through for the funding they get, no regard for the well-being of the tenants.

      Please pray for me, my friends.

    • Anonymous
      March 12, 2010 at 7:43 pm

      Hi, Donna. Say no more, we’re prayin’ for you! Something will work out… count on us! L2S

    • Anonymous
      March 12, 2010 at 9:33 pm

      Good luck Donna…..prayers and good wishes being sent your way. Try not to get too worked up (I know it is hard), and let them affect your health. Deep breathing…

    • Anonymous
      March 13, 2010 at 8:36 pm

      Hi Donna,

      You are certainly in my prayers. Please take care.