Whoa Back up?

October 19, 2010 at 8:54 pm

First off, I got an EOB [Explanation of benefits] from my insurance co for my last neuro ‘visit’. Cost? X Paid?=negotiated rate of less than half the amout billed. Insruance cos…do this all the time… THEY NEGOTIATE RATES FOR BULKS and the docs take it!
No government ‘PANEL’ decides anything vis-a-vis insurance coverages? The insurance companie’s liability and compensation panels do, ergo…what it’s worth to keep you alive or not…
IT IS THE INSURANCE COMPANIES!!! If you fall for a line that the gov’t is doing it? You are one fish hooked, like and sinkered.
I can attest that medical [vis-a-vis] medicare had no decision in determining a family member’s death? 25+ years ago? In that the brain and heart functions had stopped and this member was being kept alive mechanically. In the early 90’s the Bill was staggering and covered by medicare… There were no PANELs or DEATH COUNCILS! It was a Family and a humane choice.
Everything IS negotiated? But by family or by choice it is always has been clear. IF you can’t read what’s written to YOU? BY the insurance companies? Go ask for the full detail and full monte! IF you don’t get it? Ask your congressman/woman and or senator…. That is why they have STAFF!
Just be clear about YOUR facts …dates. situation and questions… Good luck – j

Whoa Back up?

October 19, 2010 at 8:54 pm

First off, I got an EOB [Explanation of benefits] from my insurance co for my last neuro ‘visit’. Cost? X Paid?=negotiated rate of less than half the amount billed. Insruance cos…do this all the time… THEY NEGOTIATE RATES FOR BULKS and the docs take it!
No government ‘PANEL’ decides anything vis-a-vis insurance coverages? The insurance companie’s liability and compensation panels do, ergo…what it’s worth to keep you alive or not…
IT IS THE INSURANCE COMPANIES!!! If you fall for a line that the gov’t is doing it? You are one fish hooked, line and sinkered.
I can attest that medical [vis-a-vis] medicare had no decision in determining a family member’s death? 25+ years ago? In that the brain and heart functions had stopped and this member was being kept alive mechanically. In the early 90’s the Bill was staggering and covered by medicare… There were no PANELs or DEATH COUNCILS! It was a Family and a humane choice.
Everything IS negotiated? But by family or by choice it is always has been clear. IF you can’t read what’s written to YOU? BY the insurance companies? Go ask for the full detail and full monte! IF you don’t get it? Ask your congressman/woman and or senator…. That is why they have STAFF!
Just be clear about YOUR facts …dates. situation and questions… Good luck – j