Th1/Th2 modulation, Drugs, Diet and life style
I tried to join info about Th1/Th2 modulation, Drugs, Diet and life style.
Some info on the web is contradictory, like for Vitamin A and C, and fish oils, sugars.
LOW Th1/Th2 (Good for us. To avoid in cancer, asthma)
Drugs: ivig. Antibiotics. Sulfasalazine. Cortisol at low levels (cortisone). Anti-TNF drugs.
Sup: Fresh fish oil (Omega-3). Phytoestrogens. Zinc deficience.Soy lecithin.Folic acid. Vitamins E and B12.
Glucosamine Sulftate. Garlic. Royal Jelly. Melatonin.
Life: Sleep deprivation. Calorie restriction. Excessive exercise
RISE Th1/Th2 (To avoid in CIDP. Good for cancer, asthma, alergias)
Drugs: Interferon. Ciclosporin.Transfer Factor. Cortisol at high levels.
Sup/Diet: Grape seed extract. Lemon (citrus) peel. Shark Cartilage. Lactobacillus. Ginseng.
Vegetal Oils (Omega-6). Oxided fish oil (fryed). Shark oil (squalene).
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