This question came up on the thyroid forum that I participate in — about getting a tetanus booster. A couple of nurses responded that they cared for patients that died of tetanus — they said it was horrible way to die — so they were all for it. I still haven’t gotten one though.
I have a friend who is a compounding pharmacist — none of her children are going to get ANY vaccine. She said it’s the way they are administered — ie; they combine too many into one. And probably the preservatives issue is also a consideration. In order to go to school they have to get some kind of special release from a doctor. Not all doctors will do this so she had to find one that would.
The thing that I think about is that people travel so internationally now — people from countries that have these diseases more frequently than in the US can now be standing next to you in line some where…
Sheeesh… it’s so hard to know what the RIGHT thing to do is. I guess you just have to weigh YOUR specific risks — ie; where you live… exposure possiblities… That is the only thing I would know to do.
Best wishes…