still doing well, some ups & downs
Last week was bad, it was so hot here (nearly 100 every day) and L’s school is not air conditioned. It just wiped her out and she ended up staying home for 2.5 days. I basically made her stay home the last day, she wanted to go back but she’d been so weak and tired that I didn’t want to subject her to the heat.
She seems much better now that the heat has lifted. She is tough! And also, doesn’t focus a lot on what she can’t yet do. I know she hates not being able to do everything she could before, and sometimes gets frustrated, but she rarely spends time dwelling on that. She’s thrilled she’s out of the wheelchair, and has a constant faith that she WILL get all better, it will just take time.
Dr. Shawn, you will get better too! Actually, you are much improved. Just not back to ‘normal’. Life doesn’t always wait for you to get better though, especially ‘grown up’ life, so that has caused you a lot of stress I am sure.