short & long term Disability
Check your disability plans carefully. Some employers’ Short Term plans prevent you from returning to work in any capacity less than full former workload. What’s that language- ah, yes, something like this: “Return to work with no restrictions. Period. None.”
Sounds as if you won’t have that problem.
Some ‘Long’ Term Plans end after 5 years.
And, in the case of my Employer’s Long Term Plan, which had both a 5 year and, for more money, an age 65 provision, applying for Social Security Disability was a mandatory provision of receiving payment.
Well, an annual Doctor’s statement is also required, as was a Social Security Review of my case after a few years.
I don’t understand the 5 month wait. My SSDI payments began, effective to the day, retroactively (and, yes, I had to pay back the LTD Plan) to my initial date of LTD.