OK gotta ask… which came first, the chicken or the egg?
April 12, 2010 at 8:46 pm
Did the neuropathy come first or the infection? Not always an easy call, as much as one would like it to be..
I DO LOVE THE PHRASE: ‘clinical and electro diagnostic features of “acquired rather than inherited” etiologies’ Why? Because most nearly all research so far has been done on the ‘ineherited’ ones… little on the ‘acquired’ ones.
Acquired immune diseases for the most part? As Rodney Dangerfield would say? Get no respect! We neither part of the inherited nor childhood disease ‘boxes’, we don’t fit anywhere and yet, here we are?
I will NOT beat my head against any wall! [Repeat that five to 50 times?] and you will get to live with the inequities. Just don’t let them get to you! Hope and pain free moments…