Reply To: I PLayed Golf
Thanks a bunch for the supportive statements. I really appreciate all of you.
This past year has been full of change for me. So many changes.
Initially, I was approved for SS disability last year. The blessing there is that I have some stable income now. SS Disability is not the financial answer to get me into a Lexus, or have fancy things, but I am able to get our bills paid, with my wife’s help of course. Having that financial peace means so much. One piece of the puzzle.
I have started back working very parttime. I can make it 3 days a week, 5 hours a day. By the end of the week, I hurt pretty bad and need some days of bed time, and some days are bad, BUT I get out and feel like I am contributing. It isn’t much money, but it helps with gas money, and at the grocery store a bit. Another piece of the puzzle.
My tomatoes are coming in. I like tomatoes….. I planted 7 or 8 plants this spring, they are red on the vine. Nothing like home grown tomatoes. Nothing like reaping the rewards of caring efforts. Another piece of the puzzle.
I have come to better terms with my CIDP. It is hard at first to deal with it all. Not only the CIDP, but the life changing devastation that sometimes comes with it. Hard on the family, hard on the finances, hard on the life outlook, you all know what I mean. My CIDP is more painful now than it ever has been, it hasn’t gotten any better, only a bit worse. But I have made a conscious effort to be positive about what I have left, and what I can do. I try to avoid what I cannot do, and I am trying to remember that people would rather be around a happy person than a sad one. I have my bad days, that is for sure, but I can make those days better by not dwelling on the problems. Understanding the disease helps me deal with it. Wanting to be part of going forward keeps me on track. Accepting my limitations has made me happier. Several pieces of the puzzle.
My wife still loves me, our love and faith have continued to grow. I cannot imagine where I would be without my faith and my family.
I know I have many challenges in front of me. I know there will be days of excruciating pain. But I also know that I can control how I feel, and what my outlook will be.
That will make all of the difference.
Thank you all for all of YOUR support. We all need that. We often times cannot stand alone, but with help, we all can see together.