I do not know any neurologists in New York, but I have a few suggestions. You are doing exactly right to start far ahead of time to find one or two. You should get your records sent to the neurologists and seek new patient appointment which sometimes can take months to get. Also, if possible, I would make this appointment before you move so that you can meet the neurologist and discuss continuation of care and issues before moving so that there is little chance of a break in therapy. This is to make the move less stressful to you–to know that the health concern is as organized as it can be because it is so very important to your health. The reason to have a back-up neurologist is that even “good” neurologists may have a different approach than you are used to having or be really hard to get in to see or whatever. There are a lot of variations in approach to this disease. If you go visit one and just do not feel that person “fits” with your needs–in communication, access, approach, whatever, you already have another option. If that first person is great, just cancel the appointment with the other. If the first is not optimal for you, then at least you have had a good excuse to visit your honey!
Also since you have an infusion plan that works for you, have detailed records of the infusion sent as well–including type of immunoglobulin including if liquid or lyophilized that it reconstituted, exact premedications, doses, and infusion rates. As much as possible use exactly this the first time. Moving is a stress–it may be a good stress, but still it is really tiring so it will help peace of mind to know that any temporary setback in your disease is not due to subtle differences in administration or product. A lot of people think immunoglobulin is immunoglobulin, but it is more complex than that for most people and most people with GBS/CIDP cannot get the same rates of infusion as someone with immunodeficiency.
WithHope for a cure of these diseases.
Hi family,
I’ll be unplugging my computer tomorrow, July 11th, today I’m packing the last minute things. My brain must know I’m doing the right thing because I don’t have that knot in my stomach.
Terry, if I knew you’d do it, I’d say “come on down” because I’m already feeling the withdrawal symptoms knowing I have to do without my computer, but I do have the name of someone in the retirement community who can help me.
When I have my new computer running and I’m back on the forum, just click on my name to come for a visit. Lots of fun things to do. You have family to visit when that snow and cold start.