Miss Tampa..
You can go back and red my other posts burt I shall condense some of it here. You are never supposed to take a single B vitamin by itself for any length of time. So I take a B complex CAPSULE (not tablets – they don’t get absorbed properly) and then I do sublingual B12. (Under the tongue) But they made me a little too hyper….but I am not as fatigued as some people. The best way is shots of B12. WHen I had GBS 20 years ago for the first time, my doctor had me take a shot every other day. I didn’t feel a difference but I got better much faster. But then I was younger…..either way, B vitamins are Excellent fot the nerves. I am disappointed that doctors don’t study this.
If you go to Frenchy’s, make sure you go to the SALTWATER CAFE on Poincettia St….when you get to the turnaround/fountain, take a right at three o’clock and it is one block away. That is the one that has the best food…..order SHE CRAB SOUP……yummmy…..I would order 10 bowls of it and take in home in containers I had brought!
I used to give tours and usher at the Tampa BAy Performing Arts Center…perhaps our paths have crossed. Volunteer work when I wasn’t teaching.