It was on the news last night and I found it this morning

October 21, 2008 at 5:26 am


Going to call the hospital a little later in the morning to see how my grand-daughter is this morning. Hana slept really good last night and is still sleeping. Going to let her sleep as late as she wants. 😀
Saw that video this morning and did not realize there were 5 vehicles involved. After watching the video, it almost put a lump in my throat. Scary watching especially when you have a family member that was in it!
And then this morning there was another bus accident in New Jersey! What’s up with all these bus accidents. Just seems to be alot more this year than usual?

Freezing cold again this morning even with my heat on. I think we are going to have a cold nasty winter. Lots of ice and snow!
Well! Better get offline and get some breakfast started. Me and Hana going to have some oatmeal and hot chocolate with marshmallows! Can’t make her’s to hot though, so when she gets up it will be cooled down enough for eating.
Wishing everybody a very nice day! Hugs
Linda H