Incontinence issues…
That is the one thing I fought hard for when I was inpatient at the Mayo for 3 months back in 2002. Since I was basically a quad, the nurses didn’t want to lift me onto the commode, but I insisted. My roommate, who also had a severe case of CIDP, let them put a foley catheter on her & is totally incontinent to this day. This is a very touch nerve & it is easy to lose. Yes, I think CIDP can cause incontinence.
My son has been this way since birth (spina bifida) & during the night he has always had one of those plastic enclosures over his entire mattress, even though he wears a diaper. They can be bought at stores like Target or K-Mart. He also has a mattress cover over that, that has a rubber backing on the bottom, so even if he does wet through, it does not wet the mattress. He also uses those quilted rubber-backed pads that can be found in any baby section to put on top of the sheets. It sure saves time in changing sheets all of the time. One learns out of necessity…