import photo or pic
Hi Dawn,
Regarding making the pictures big, some may have to do with file size. If your camera is set for small file size to save space on the camera memory chip, it may affect how big it appears. I was using a 10 megapixel Nikon D60 so the files are pretty big.
As far as importing the pics or articles,
Liz told me about the website they are web hosting
photo’s. Upload a JPEG to the site, name and tag it, then copy and paste
the whole HTTP address into the message box where you type on the forum.
Once saved it should appear.
I don’t know about Trey Avery thoughts on this because it will consume quite a bit of space on the system but it works. the article I did, I just scanned it in under jpeg format and did the same as a picture.
Hope this helps! Have a Great Day