I was on a shoufleboard league in PA
August 28, 2008 at 11:47 pm
Hi Gary! I will play you in a game of shoufleboard. I used to be in a league in PA. Just want to warn you though! I have had a few 300’s!:D
But my favorite game is Fooz Ball! So where’s the Foozball table Jim!
I came from a time frame during the hippie days! A couple tokes of something back then, and I became Fooz-ball queen. 😀 Of course the toking of things is a thing of my past. Childhood thing! Grew out of that one.
But give me 3 drinks and I can play some games! Got to put the ACDC and Led Zeppelin on though. Those songs get me rocking. Puts me back in my childhood days!
I love playing fooz-ball! The best thing about that game is getting a hard shot and then you hear the Ding! Score!!!!!!