I needed the laugh

May 27, 2006 at 1:32 pm

The Other Mike-
You gave me a laugh I sorely needed. Been in severe nerve pain for 5 weeks. Had brand of IVIG changed-my log of brands and notes on side effects are screaming this must be the culprit.The pain has crepted into my left wrist/hand and have to hold it next to my body. The neuro said it was neurapathy from CIDP.
Okay-I’m on 100 mg. Fentayl pain patch and up to 6 Vicodin a day but not the strong ones. I try so hard not to take the pills and the pain patch level has been the same for 4 years so I’m pretty tolerant of it by now.
The last two trips to the ER had the doctors rolling their eyes at me (and they really did do that””) thinking here’s one druggie coming in for her high.
I was told to copy my neuro and pain doc notes to carry in my handbag-think I will. Any other ideas???
I now know how to handle the weekends because I’ve done it before and can again if pain blows a 10++++.There’s a place in my head I go to that is so safe from the pain.[SIZE=”3″][/SIZE]]