I escaped the headache
Hi Mike,
My only spinal tap was in 2000. I did get some sort of skin numbing shot before the doctor took the sample. The needle used to get spinal fluid is extraordinarily thin and probably doesn’t hurt much when it goes through the skin – but my neurologist knows I am a big cry baby.
I had my tap done in a seated, hunched over position – leaning into a very solid nurse. Then I lay flat on the gurney on my tummy for an hour – billed by the hospital to the insurance company of course. The nurse brought me apple juice and kept an eye on my husband who is a fainter but insisted on being there for me.
After a wheel chair trip to the front door my husband drove me home in as reclined a position as possible in our compact car. I obediently spent the next 24 hours lying flat as much as possible. I did not have trouble with the headache.
I hope this helps,