HPV Vaccine

March 21, 2007 at 4:23 pm

Heard today that the vaccine was never tested on young girls, only those 18 or over. Some think it may help the older girls, but mandating it for children can be dangerous. We need to keep these young women in our prayers and hope that nothing too disastrous happens to them.

HPV Vaccine

March 17, 2007 at 3:56 pm


Thanks for the info. This was a fast-tracked vaccine and it seems that Merck is contributing to most of the political campaigns. If you watch the slick ads, it does say that it “may” protect young women from some types of cancer, but they can still get it. I hate to see a group of young women be used as experiments. We can only hope that there will be a small number of GBS cases, and that there are no other dangerous side-effects that show up later on. Who knows what this stuff will really do when these women are of child-bearing age. Dangerous stuff to be “mandated” by a layman. Guess I still hope that “freedom on choice” and “informed consent” will prevail in this county, but it is quickly slipping away.