High Blood Pressure

April 26, 2011 at 6:09 pm

I also had high blood pressure after the infusions which I was told was common. It eventually returned to normal after about 4 months. I also experienced elevated heart rate of about 148 for a few months…needless to say I was hungry all the time and dropped weight like crazy…. it came back after everything returned to normal.

High Blood Pressure

July 13, 2006 at 11:57 pm

My son Nate was 28 last December when he was diagnosed with GBS.
His blood pressure went way high. They had a real hard time getting it down.
It stayed high for about 3 mos then just started getting lower and low enough that they took him off the meds.
It has been ok since then.
Hypertension runs in my family and Nates’s dads family too.
Hopefully he won’t have problem with it later.