Hey Shirley

December 27, 2008 at 9:55 pm

Hey Shirley! LOL! Maybe we should start a website and call it the Grocery Pill Club! 😀 After my surgery the doctor tacked on 3 more RX’s. With all the pills they have me on! I am surprised I have not overdosed! I hate taking all these pills! I remember when they first started me on treatment years ago. The pills would knock me flat on the floor. Now it’s like they don’t even phase me.
My body has developed a tolerance to them all but I wished I didn’t have a daily regimen of taking so many pills.
But I better be fortunate that I don’t have more to take. I have a feeling there are many more much worse than I that have to take pills like me and probably more! I just hope I never end up having to take a suitcase to my doctor’s office! ROFL! Hugs

Hey Shirley!

September 1, 2008 at 8:26 pm

Hey Shirley! Recommeded dose of B-6 daily would be 100mgs per day. 500mgs can cause toxic reactions in some people. B-6 is in most of your meats. whole grain foods and nuts. And in many foods already premade it has the recommended daily dose.
Toxic reaction would cause numbness and tingling in the hands and feet. And neuropathy.