
March 11, 2009 at 2:54 pm

Hi, Grim, I have been on Methadone for my GBS. I don’t have to take much, that is one good thing about it. I am also on Neurotin, between the 2 I do ok. THere are times I get frustrated, but I think that just goes along with GBS. You have to make the decision as to what works best for you. Being in pain alot is a hard way to live. Take Care Sherry


February 24, 2009 at 1:15 am

I have a friend who has been on methadone for about 10 years now. He was taken about 10 oxys, 80mg, aday and slept most of the day. He went to a pain clinic and they put him on methadone and he was like a new person. He was up most of the time and could carry on a real conversation with you. You cannot tell he is on any meds now , while on the methadone.
Jeff, my good friend, I agree whole heartedly with you on the oxy meds. I have been on the 80mg oxy 3 times aday, and would have commited suicide if I had not gotten something for the pain from this GBS. I take lyrica, cymbalta, cymbalta replaced the neuroton for me, and have been on the lyrica and neuronton, now cymbalta and arhtritis, muscle relaxers, aspirin and a bunch more, but the lyrica and neuronton by itself would not even touch the pain for me. YEAH, I TAKE OXYCONTIN AND DON’T CARE WHO KNOWS I DO…well, I keep it quiet around my house and area, because I am afraid someone will break into my house and kill me for it. Yes, I keep it very hush-hush around here.
PLEASE DON’T PUT MEDS DOWN THAT YOU DON’T KNOW ABOUT, OR WHO THEY MAYBE A LIFE SAVER FOR…LIKE ME FOR INSTANCE. The Drs told me I could take more pain than most people, so you see, I am not just a complainer. I was on no meds at all when I got sick with GBS; not even a aspirin. Anyway, Grimm, don’t be afraid to take meth, yes they do use it to get some people off drugs, but that is not a bad thing. At least I can talk to my friend now, and as before the meth there was nobody home there…just a empty shell. He got banged up in a traffic accident, not his fault, and has had several back and leg surgeries. Jeff, you take care my good friend .
God bless all,