Glad that’s over!
Steve, first of all, good to hear your stress test was the beginning of improvements in your health.
Gabrielle, thanks again for your description of the alternative to the treadmill. At least I was somewhat prepared for the sensation you described as “feeling like you are going to blow up”…did I ever!
Got a double whammy. My current Dr. was not along for the ride the past 3 years as I have struggled with fatigue and muscle weakness. I tend to run an unusually low heart rate so I knew it was going to take some serious treadmill time to get it where they wanted it. It didn’t take long for myself and nurses to realize this was not the way to go. God bless those dear nurses for having a tight grip on me, my flight off the back of the treadmill would have made a great YouTube video.
I drove myself to the appointment and by the end of the day left the hospital in a wheel chair. Will we ever learn?
Thanks for the feedback on the stress test to all of you. I see the Dr. on Monday. (That is if I can get there!) Think I’ll go visit the Tavern Forum and see what they are serving.