Gabapentin vs Cymbalta
I was on gabapentin for 3 years. I had very vivid nightmares and slept walked a lot. Very entertaining for the family, but at times became dangerous for me. I did help tremendously with the pain.
I went on Cymbalta 2years ago and it has been like a miracle drug for me. I had a few side effects in the beginning, but it controls my pain better than gabapentin by far.
Again, different things work for different people. I rarely use any other type of pain medication.
I have had CIDP for 5 years now and RA for 6 months. So I don have more pain because of the RA and that is what I am trying to alleviate right now. AsI type my hand a are soooo swollen and ache, but out was 3 degrees bell,ow zero this am…may have had something to do with it!
Take care…talk to your dr about other options.