Elmo is right about potassium?

April 7, 2010 at 8:48 pm

Finding the ‘balance’ is the art. As for the ‘P’ factor? Too true.
Hydrating for IVIG means hydrating till you almost ‘slosh’. The aspects of things like gatorade drinks have pro’s and con’s, so USE common sense? Solumedrol, and a slew of other steroids as well as anti-seizure meds do deplete us of both magnesium and potassium. Web up the full medical prescribing information on any meds you are on….be surprised about the common and uncommon side-effects in this quarter. Be aware and then pro-active. The learning the whole lingo is a hard part? But once one’s gotten used to the ins and outs of GBS or CIDP? Piece of cake. Tho there is a heap of info to it all.
Gotta tell you? When you run low? As in the hot weather we’re having here? You know it! Always keep a juice pak at hand to slurp up if you get to the near-bad points….
Good hydrating to all!