Did You know….
I just spent 4 hours trying to get approved for medicaid, only to find out I don’t qualify!!!!:mad: Does this sound familiar to anyone else?
I am perm disabled, was a state employee until GBS Aug 05, receive disability from a state retirement system, Not much but its something and I’m married. I was told we make too much to qualify for medicaid-even though my husband was laid off last month and gets a small weekly unemployment check. We qualify for food allowance, just over $100, and kids(2) are now covered by medicaid, but I can’t get it because I’m married and we make almost $200 over the limit.
Since I was a state employee, and I applied for disability through my job, I am now being forced to file for ssdi, which, if I qualify for would put us over the limit for the 2nd medicaid coverage and raise our income over the food allowance limit. The retirement system, that is paying my disability benefits, is alot harder to get approval for then ssdi is. If you were in this predictament would you go ahead with all the hassle and stress of going through ssdi, or would you just wait and hope for the relapses to hold off until health insurance is obtainable? We can not afford the $1000 a month for Cobra, can’t afford to pay out of pocket for appts or tests or self pay insurance plans. Money is extremely tight. Any and all suggestions are appreciated! and the timing of all this couldn’t be worse-I have an appointment that I’ve been hoping for at the University of Michigan on the 20th-for a possible dx-Finally!!.
Thanks for letting me vent and hopefully see this situation through others’ eyes. Take care Everyone.