
March 3, 2008 at 11:36 am

Hello Erin,
It seems like a lot of us has lost a beloved family member within the past few months. I think we are now forming our family of “angels” to watch over us. Please feel the hugs of comfort and understanding I am sending.



December 13, 2007 at 10:34 am

Hello Sabina,
I have severe CIDP and that probably happened because I was mis-diagnosed and almost a year of UNTREATED progression ran through me before treatments were started.

YES, I am in a wheelchair, but it makes me so much more mobile then trying to walk with a walker so I take it as a blessing! You should see me speed up/down the store aisles and the mall.

CIDP can be life long treatments, but believe me, you learn how to live with it. I am a healthy person except for this syndrome.

You lose your “old self”, but your “new self” takes over and you learn how to do your things in a different way.

Doctors will set up a schedule of IVIG’s in the way that they think is best. If your dad shows signs of doing well and then he’s not doing well when they are stopped, then he needs a maintenance schedule. I prefer to find out what you do well with by starting out with the IVIG’s close together, then space them out to once a month, or longer.