
February 11, 2011 at 12:10 am

-35 here this morning, & that’s without any wind chill factor. Another cold night here again, but remember, I live just 85 miles sount of International Falls, the Icebox capital of the US. Leave for Florida on Monday for a month.


November 8, 2010 at 11:22 pm

I live 2 hours south of the “Ice Box” of the entire nation, International Falls, MN. Temps of -26 F without the wind chill are common here…but for me it’s the in between times, when a cold front is moving through in the summer or fall that I feel the worst. I do find the heat drains me,but here we don’t get too much of that kind of heat. I actually have little trouble once winter is actually here. I believe we are all so different in how we are affected, probably a lot is based on our residuals.


December 21, 2008 at 11:11 pm

I hadn’t thought of the cold’s play in my bout of weakness today.
I did get cold in the bucket. I don’t usually get cold with regular skiing, in fact I generally sweat cuz I concentrate hard to work.
Thanks for that hint Laurel. I’m gonna keep that in mind. It will be important when I’m teaching young children this winter, that I keep warm enough.

Hey Jim, I have talked with my neuro abt exercise… He is ok with me skiing and swimming and going to curves when I am not too fatigued. His big push is for me to avoid getting fatigued… I’m still working on that!

Wondering if others have problems with seizing when exhausted, or is that one of my specific complications?

Thanks for the feedback!


December 14, 2008 at 9:44 am

I have a cold. I started coming down with it Thursday 12/11.

I was running a 100 degree fever last night 12/13 and my nose is running away. My immune system seems to be kicked up, but I don’t feel like it is effecting my CIDP. My feet were burning yesterday, but even that seems to have died down. My joints were very achy last night as well. I did 30 minutes on the elliptical machine on Friday even though I felt horrible. I took it easy all day yesterday though.

Typically I start with a head cold and it moves down into my lungs. So I’m really hoping this doesn’t involve my lungs this time. Pneumonia scares me a little with CIDP. I’ve never had pneumonia and I’m supposed to get vaccinated for it.

I’m scheduled for a PE on Friday 12/19. I think I may try to get back to back PEs on Thursday and Friday to make sure I make it through Christmas without having CIDP issues.



December 20, 2006 at 12:28 am

Nate is always cold now. He can’t get warm very well at all.
It has been down to 32 here at night lately and in the 60’s during the day.
Nate says his hands are hurting much more than usual now too. Neurontin is only helping a little now.
He doesn’t want to use the computer or play video games it hurts so much.
He ordered new gloves for wheeling and they seem to keep his hands warmer, but only if he wears them all the time.
He lives in sweats and socks too, even at night with his big comforter on.
It’s supposed to warm up a little for the weekend. Hopefully it will help.

Nate/ GBS 1-06
Hospitalized 9 1/2 mos
Home 9-30-06