Reply To: Muscle spasms/tension decades after GBS

November 20, 2023 at 6:25 pm

Just saw your post. My onset of GBS was ten years ago and very severe. Wasn’t intubated but had a limited recovery. Showing extensive axonal nerve damage all over my body. Wheelchair dependent at first then progressed to a walker, then two forearm crutches now only one. Gait and balance issues. Spasms are better by using magnesium I take CALM. Works fairly well.
So for me I have had to deal with moderate to severe nerve pain especially from waist down. So while I have learned to cope It goes up and down but Never ever stops. Unfortunately my problems have worsened and with testing it is indicated that I now have CIDP and will be starting treatment very soon. Hoping you can achieve a degree of manageable recovery David