Reply To: Balance Problems with GBS
Balance problems are one of the many CIDP/GBS residuals. Usually, the extremities like lower leg muscles (foot, toes, ankle) are the areas affected by the residuals. Additionally, vitamin B12 deficiency can bring on balance problems too, along with other symptoms. Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin) 5000MCG (I daily) could be indicated if a blood test shows deficiency.
The balance exercises often recommended by physical therapists can include:
- walk sideways for 15 steps one way then the other
- walk one foot over the other for 15 steps (first one foot then the other)
- walk one foot in back of the other for 15 steps (one foot then the other)
- walk forward heel to toe for 15 steps in a straight line looking straight ahead
- walk backward the same way for 15 steps in a straight line looking straight ahead
Wear an AFO on your leg when you do these, so these are not so easy with AFO and balance problems.
Others may have different advice based on their experiences, so stay tuned for their inputs.