Reply To: Covid 19 Vaccine

September 21, 2021 at 10:55 am

I’ve had CIDP for 45 years and used Prednisone for about 15 relapses in the first 38-40 years.   For the last 3 years, I have been on SubQ IG and doing great.  2 years of IVIG before that was good, but the monthly infusions were more roller coaster.  I got the Moderna vaccine in March and April.  A minor 1st and robust 2nd shot.  No complications and no after effects.  So far, I have not had Covid. I am not seeking a booster shot and do not consider myself to be immune compromised, though I do run low on my WBC count.  Seeing a hematologist to figure out if this is related to Hizentra or something else.