Reply To: questionable diagnosis
Hi Ryan,
Insurance companies almost always consider justification for IVIg to be the same as for SCIg. They are simply different delivery methods for the same drug (Ig).
If there is something about the Ig that you are allergic to, or makes you ill in some way, you could switch to the other treatment method of Plasma Exchange. Insurance companies have different policies regarding its justification, although much of that is the same as for Ig products.
The other thing to consider is that maybe there is something in Gamunex that you don’t tolerate well. Maybe switching to another brand would make it more tolerable. Check with your doctor about that. Here is a comparison of the major brands:
As far as CIDP goes and knowing whether that is exactly what you have, here is a publication that describes how to confirm it:
I hope the treatments work for you and work quickly.