What don’t kill you make you more strong?
I have been pushing myself more in the last two weeks and believe that in doing so I am getting better faster. For example, yesterday I mowed the entire lawn for the first time including trimming. After a quick rest I went to a friends for a corn roast. I was home early by 8 PM and was in a good deal of pain. I thought that I would wake up too sore to go downtown to pick up some recording equipment.
To my surprise I felt great this morning! And the more I think of it the more I believe that I am healing through these ‘feats of strength’ as I call them. I went to a concert last weekend and thought I would pay for it, but felt invigorated the next day. Ditto for the day after cleaning up the basement after a minor flood.
I understand that I have limitations. This was evident the other day when I tried to run after my cat. My brain said ‘run’ but the legs did not respond. It must have looked pretty funny because Lisa got a chuckle out of it.
Please respond with similar stories. Perhaps you felt the opposite after some vigorous activity? I purposely made the title of this thread a question because you may feel differently.
I’m off to chuck some bales of hay around;) :p I wish you all well in your ‘feats of strength’!:)
AnonymousAugust 24, 2010 at 12:48 am
When I was at my worst, in a powerchair all day, I emailed a wise member of this Forum, Doc David (since deceased.) I asked him when or if I would ever walk again? He said simply, “When your nerves are healed.” It sounds to me like you probably had a classic case of GBS & when the nerves heal, you will be able to do what you did before. It also sounds like you have had a lot of nerve regeneration lately, so happy for you…
Thanks Pam!
My neurologist. doctor and physio therapist also all mentioned to be ready for small jumps in progress. Seems those nerves kick-in as one small section of myelin will heal making the nerve work properly again, like an electrical wire…….whatever, I’ll take it!
best wishes for a pleasant day!
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