dusting off the walker

    • Anonymous
      March 15, 2007 at 9:17 am

      Hi All: It looks like spring is coming to the Rocky Mountains and I realized, with the return of warmer weather, how badly I miss taking my old favorite walk around a nearby lake. It is a mile and1/2 walk I did every day before GBS. Last summer my neurologist told me to walk it with my cane and ignore the pain, which I managed to do only a few times before I realized it was doing me a lot of harm.
      I have made no improvement in the last year and had to return to PT last month where I discovered my hands were actually weaker because of residuals and where the physical therapist advised me not to try even lifting light weights again for a while. It felt like a big defeat. Now, as I felt the loss of walking, I realized that I could take my walks if I would use my walker. I haven’t used it for over a year and it felt like another big defeat until I realized it was likely my pride and ego getting in the way of doing something I love to do. So I amdusting off the walker and getting ready to slowly get back into walking around the lake. This was actually at first a very hard decision but now feels like something positive I can do for myself. I am not sure why I wanted to share this but it felt right to do. I hope everyone enjoys the return of spring. Jeff

    • Anonymous
      March 15, 2007 at 9:33 am


      Thanks for you example of courage. Keep up the good work. Remember to listen to your body and don’t over do.

    • Anonymous
      March 15, 2007 at 9:44 am

      Jeff, You are an inspiration for many of us. Thanks!

    • Anonymous
      March 15, 2007 at 9:57 am

      hi jeff! i’m so proud of you. that’s what i do when i go for a long distance walk. if it’s a planned walk around the lake or park, etc., i use my walker. i always keep my wheelchair in my car in case i have an unexpected walk and i walk behind it and use it as a walker. (it also doubles as a great shopping cart to hold all the stuff you didn’t plan on buying too). anyway, dust off the walker and enjoy your walks as i do. my body tells me when i’ve over done it. just listen to your body when it’s had enough. it’s a wonderful feeling to go for a nice walk in the wonderful weather we’ve been having. even if it means using something to assist us in doing so. stay well.
      love ya,

    • Anonymous
      March 15, 2007 at 11:42 am

      You go, guy! 😀

    • Anonymous
      March 15, 2007 at 11:46 am

      I haven’t used my walker since I began walking the summer of 2004. I was so proud to have graduated to canes, first two & now one for quite awhile, that I vowed never to use it again. But I now realize that most of my longer distance walking is when I have a shopping cart to push. Maybe the walker would be a good idea for walking outside, hadn’t really thought of that.

    • Anonymous
      March 15, 2007 at 12:45 pm

      wow. I am really touched by your responses. I will keep going and fight to get back some of things that are important. Of course today it is cold and rainy:mad: but spring will be here soon enough. Thanks all, Jeff

    • Anonymous
      March 15, 2007 at 2:14 pm


      I know you will enjoy your walks more then ever now. Taking walks was something I terribly missed after I developed CIDP, and is something I also have just been able to start taking back up myself. I am so excited with the return of nice weather here in the midwest. I wish I had a nearby lake to walk around, that would be nice.



    • Anonymous
      March 15, 2007 at 2:16 pm

      Jeff, You Da Man!!! Enjoy your walks around the lake.:)

    • Anonymous
      March 15, 2007 at 4:09 pm

      I know the weather is starting to get nice here but today it is raining and gloomy I have been out walking,but with my cane I thought about using my walker because I can only get about 2 blocks and I have to come back home plus I have fallen twice so maybe I need to get the walker when I walk I wish you luck and I also wish I had a lake to walk around.


    • Anonymous
      March 15, 2007 at 9:10 pm


      Good for you for using your creativity to find a way to get back to your walks around the lake. The walker makes lots of sense. Enjoy the beautiful outdoors!


    • Anonymous
      March 18, 2007 at 12:28 am

      Dusted off my walker and took my first walk at the lake. Could still not make it all the way, but did get in a good 20 minutes, then sat on a bench and enjoyed the weather and the people. It felt great and I plan to keep going for it. Thanks all for your support-it helped me a lot to go through with it. Jeff

    • Anonymous
      March 18, 2007 at 1:50 pm

      Jeff, So glad you got to enjoy the day and the water. We live on the Missouri River and I loved to walk around our complex. QUESTION: what do you use on the legs of your walker. Our road is all gravel and I have wheels on front, and plastic on the back. Any suggestions?? Regina

    • Anonymous
      March 18, 2007 at 4:14 pm

      You said that you felt you did harm to your body when you ignored the pain. Could I ask what type of harm? I used my walker this week and found that my feet swelled and the veins in my feet double in size. In fact, I there were more veins than normal when I was on my feet. Did you experience this? I am staying off my feet for the next few days. But I do feel a different kind of numbness.

    • Anonymous
      March 18, 2007 at 5:02 pm

      Regina, slit tennis balls over the ends-they slide on anything-just make sure you clean the gritty stuff off before going on finished floors-otherwise they can scratch the finish. 🙂
      that is a great start jeff, keep at it, and before you know it you’ll be truckin all around that lake.:D

    • Anonymous
      March 18, 2007 at 9:18 pm

      Hi Regina: I’ve heard about the tennis ball trick and am going to try it myself. When I bought my walker my physical therapist suggested I get extra large wheels in the front for outdoor use and that helps a lot. Good luck with your walking, Jeff
      Hi Carolyn: By pushing I not only exhuasted myself but increased the levels of pain. I think I aggravated the nerves for I have pain now I didn’t have before pushing myself. Jeff

    • Anonymous
      March 19, 2007 at 10:03 am

      Good for you Jeff, hang in there and never give up hope.


    • Anonymous
      March 27, 2007 at 8:04 pm

      They make caps for the walker legs that look like little skis. They worked better for me than the tennis balls; the tennis balls would catch on rugs and changes in surface heights.

      I now have one that has wheels front and back; it also has hand brakes (like a bike), adjustable height, and a flip down hard plastic seat.

      They sell similar ones at Wal-Mart for around $120 or so.

    • Anonymous
      March 28, 2007 at 9:17 am

      I just switched to the one you have Katie Jo. My insurance company approved it for me so it only cost $20.00. It will arrive tomorrow and I am looking forward to give it a test drive around the lake.