GBS and Diabetes
Who are “they” and what is the basis for their thinking that there is a connection?
AnonymousMarch 29, 2012 at 10:48 pm
“They” are the different doctors that I have seen. Im 24, in good shape, and diabetes doesnt run in my family; so when my lab results came back the way the were, the doctors were confused. They didnt understand why I would have the results of someone with diabetes. But when they found out that I had GBS, they immediately diagnosed me with type II diabetes. Apparently a lot of research has come out lately that people with GBS or CIDP over time become diabetic. Im not sure about the exact research or where its coming from. But 3 separate doctors all said the same thing. I just wanted to know if anyone else has experienced the same thing.
OK, but that’s news to me. I haven’t read of any connection. Here’s a link to a document from the National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse which does not include GBS as one of the factors:
I wonder if a link, if one exists, is due merely to people with GBS becoming less active.
AnonymousApril 1, 2012 at 11:11 am
I had diabetes II when I got my GBS but after I was dignoste with diabetes1 so now Im on my insullin 24 hours, and with much bigger dose then others that I know.. Im strugling evry day to keep my sugar on right track it is too low or too high.. it is enough to have this wonderful GBS to work on but diabets on it that is more then I somtimes can handle.
Diabetes is now thought to be an autoimmune disease & not a metabolic one. Here is an article explaining:
That’s an interesting article. If the theory is correct, it suggests to me that there may be an association with GBS, but that is not the same thing as a causal relationship.
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