
Your Replies

  • October 14, 2011 at 9:05 am

    I have had my blood sugar tested at the hospital eachtime I had gone in was in the normal range, no doctor has asked further about it. My MRI of the brain was done without contrast so I was wondering if another with, may show something different, it was originally ordered with both but the insurance denied it. I have been tested for ana, jaks, all heps, hiv, and a marker for lymphoma/luekemia at Robert Wood and all negative.Only thing high as of now is the LDH (rbc breakdown) and low MPV…… looked over throughly by oncologist hematologist. I am calling him to see if he can get me a appointment with the nuerologist there. I would say from where I was previous to being sick there is a ton of muscle weakness… I am getting the walking legs give out… shoulders strain to even pass a plate of reflexes are all there though. Headaches jaw pain numbness cold extremeties and fatigue brain fog are main complaint. I got a bit of double vision this past week but only briefly during dizzy spell while watchin tv. I have sensations in my legs of water running down them idk how to explain it and at my toes its the same feeling like I put them in water. I take off my socks see if its sweat but nothing is there and they have been ice cold as of late.

    October 13, 2011 at 3:30 pm

    I have an appointment next week in new york city with Nuerologist. I dont know how I go about trying to get answers from him, I would like a spinal tap to tell if the protein levels are raised from what I read as indicator. I do not know if they will order the spinal tap with the EMG being normal? Or what steps he would even take if it was positive being that the food poisioning was in July and months have passed.

    October 12, 2011 at 2:51 pm

    I am looking for a doctor with experience in GBS or other similiar syndromes. Doctors at Cornell in NY do not take my insurance I had called. I was able to get an appointment at university of Penn but it is not till Nov 22. Does anyone know of other doctors in the tri state area that are knowledgeable without having to wait month to see them?

    October 12, 2011 at 9:40 am

    I have filled out the online application for the mayo clinic. Hoping to get contacted soon. How would the “Checker” work, if I fly there and just show could they refuse to see me? As far as doctors I was told by my primary that it would be best to see a Gastrointestinal Disease specialist first. I believe the nuerologist would be best to see from my view of how I am feeling.