
Your Replies

  • July 13, 2012 at 2:25 pm

    had a massage yesterday and my massage therapist commented on how she feels there is a lot more to work with on my legs. Muscle tone on the outer calves that wasnt there a while ago and definitely on the quadriceps which i was just beginning to question whether or not they were becoming affected a few months prior to starting rituxin.
    now that i think about it, I am able to lift myself up from squatting position from floor whereas a few weeks ago I sort of used my hand for a little boost when doing that. For me the progression was very gradual that sometimes i questioned it—so im guessing the healing will be the same.
    I no longer have the tingling and buzzing feelings i had before starting rituxin. I was never sure if those were good or bad at the time, but looking back, the past 3 years i had them i was continuing to decline and now that they have stopped i feel better, have more energy and am feeling stronger. I do have different sensory things since the rituxin, a dull pain at times in the areas that are affected by the cidp, itching, and fascillations.
    I am still a little concerned that my rituxin schedule is the 1000mg 2x every 6 months for 18 months and nobody else on here has that schedule for cidp? i have seen it mostly for RA. I dont want to start healing only to be set back again. I guess i will have to deal with that when and if it happens—possibly the 1000mg x 2 WILL hold me for 6 months.
    Will continue to post and hope that this helps others on the board. Looking back at my 3 year journey with the ivig, I sometimes think i wanted it to work so badly that i may have thought it was working for me better than it actually was. I guess my message to others is not to wait too long before asking for something else. I was a little hesitant to try anything else, knowing the ivig was the safest, and everything else came with possible side effects.
    I can definitely say, even this soon after my infusions that i definitely feel better than i have in a long time. That lethargic fatigue feeling that i think is occuring when the immune system is in constant attack mode is gone. I still have a long way to go to get the feeling and strength back in my lower legs, but just the fact that im feeling better and am up and doing more should help that along.
    Thank you to other rituxin users who have posted in the past–without those posts i wouldnt have gotten to this point.

    July 11, 2012 at 3:44 am

    caveman was your neuropathy from something else? you mentioned you had it for 30 years and was then diagnosed with cidp? with me my only symptom of the cidp is the peripheral neuropathy—–This disease is so confusing!!!
    could it be you have had the cidp for 30 years and it was misdiagnosed, or did you have new developments and then diagnosed with cidp? When i was getting my last ivig dose there was a person getting it for neuropathy, not cidp he said—-just neuropathy?

    July 11, 2012 at 3:35 am

    thanks everyone again for the well wishes ๐Ÿ™‚ a little over 3 weeks since my second 1000mg rituxin infusion (june 14th) feeling pretty good. energy definitely better. I do have periods where i think the numbness is worse, then after a few days of that i feel better???
    trying not to base too much on the sensory changes and really focus on strength. The good thing is i am definitely not worse and have been almost two months with no ivig.
    as for my insurance dilemma– I asked my Dr to call the insurance co and give her reason for choosing rituxin (hopefully the fact that i have a confirmed abnormal antibody will help)
    It is still a little early to tell how the rituxin is going to work—every site i have read on it says 3 months to get full benefit. of coarse they are referring to other auto-immune diseases since there is not a lot of info out there on rituxin specifically for cidp . but it is a good baseline to get an idea of how long it might take.

    July 9, 2012 at 2:21 am

    oh never mind —LOL i figured it out “standard peripheral neuropathy” i just got out of a looong work weekend–took me a minute!!

    July 9, 2012 at 2:19 am

    what is standard peri feral neuropathy? from what i have read of others posts who have had sct is that Northwestern will help with getting your insurance approval. Maybe someone who has had it done will post and give you more info. If not you could go through some of the older posts and get a lot of good info there.

    July 6, 2012 at 4:22 pm

    caveman–when i was on ivig i felt better as far as fatigue goes right away—usually just a few days after the infusion. Unfortunately it did not work as well for my weakness, I continued slowly progressing even with the ivig.

    July 5, 2012 at 8:38 pm

    Im with your husband Laurel—–very few people know i have cidp.

    July 4, 2012 at 2:49 am

    well now the fun begins….a month after my first infusion and over two week since my second, my insurance co. (anthem blue cross) sent a letter saying they were denying rituxin—-a little late i would say!! I am starting by having my Dr call them with more info. they did state in their letter that they cover rituxin when there is an abnormal antibody affecting the immune system and I DO have this. so hopefully that is all it will take. If not then here I go again–through the Anthem appeal process—uggg!!! on the good note, if the rituxin works ,I am not due again untll Nov 30th (6months) so i guess i will have time to get it figured out by then.

    July 3, 2012 at 2:29 am

    a little over two weeks since my second rituxin infusion. I am over my usual 6 week ivig schedule (i would have been due last thurs if stilll on it) I am definitelty no worse than i was 6 weeks ago. Have not got the usual fatigue feeling i used to get when getting close for ivig. Energy still good. have not had any noticeable strength increases. Have had pain where i usually have numbness. Not extreme pain where i need to take anything, but it’s definitely noticeable.
    Still early, from what i have read on b cell depletion, rituxin for auto-immune and others who have done it, i need to give it a good 3 months….P-A-T-I-E-N-C-E !!!! that is the hardest part.

    June 26, 2012 at 12:22 am

    caveman—I am not positive if the exact cut off age for the 2 verses 5 day schedule is always 60. I am sure it depends a lot on your Dr and your health—just something you can ask about if you are interested. I used Gamunex, my Dr specified on my order ” no generic equivalants”. im not sure if this isn’t specified, if they use generic versions or not?? something else you may want to ask your Dr. Hope you are one of the ones who do fine with it ๐Ÿ™‚

    June 25, 2012 at 3:50 am

    jgl there are options other than the ivig. My Dr, like yours also did not see the ivig as a lifelong thing for me. Its important to find a dr you can talk to and one who respects your decisions. Whats more important is what do you want?? are you happy with doing ivig forever, if thats what it takes and it is helping you?
    See what your dr suggests then research it before making a decision. As for the sct I believe you have to have failed a few different treatments before you get accepted.

    June 25, 2012 at 3:38 am

    10 days post second infusion. I normally would have been due for my every 6 week loading dose of ivig in 4 days and feeling very tired. I have not done ivig since starting the rituxin, and hopefully wont need to. Energywise i feel good.
    My massage therapist commented that she thought my calves had a little more there to work with than my previous visit two weeks earlier??? I hope so–my calves have atrophied, if i ever regain the size and muscle in them i will never complain about them being “too muscular and big ” again like i used to…..Amen–lol.
    Its still too early to really know anything yet, I figure the rituxin needs time to kill the b cells, this should then stop the immune response, the nerves then need time to heal/regenerate after the attack has stopped, It then needs to reinervate the muscle, then the muscle needs to be strengthened once it can finally get the message to do so. I keep this process in my head so to remind myself not to rush it and give the rituxin time to work if it is going to.
    but overall i have definitely not gotten any worse, maybe a tiny bit better, and less fatigue.

    June 25, 2012 at 3:05 am

    hi bny—sorry to hear of all the recent stuff you have going on. Heat, stress, anxiety, doing too much, all make me feel worse. I think you are right on the hormone thing too—i feel worse when it is close to the time for my period. I thought probably because this is already an inflammatory disease and then we tend to get more inflammation around that time of the month????
    As for accepting it—-I’d have to say i have not accepted it yet either and my diagnosis was 3 years ago. I dont think i will even begin to accept it until i have run out of options to treat it. As long as there are options still available I still have hope to beat it and will keep that hope until i have tried everything that is available for me. so dont feel you have to settle for being this way or that cidp is winning. You are responding to the ivig which shows that it is something immune related. PLUS…the ivig has only been your first treatment. You have other options available if you need to resort to them. Lori

    June 25, 2012 at 2:45 am

    limekat i think it is hard for people to understand because we do not look like we have anything wrong. if this is a friend you want to continue a relationship with, maybe you could try initiating the visit, and arrange to meet her at a movie or for lunch. This way it is kind of a limited time frame plus a relaxed atmosphere where she wont wear you out.
    but then again if she is always self absorbed, and you don’t really enjoy being with her…..then yes, take a break from her–maybe a permanent one!!!

    June 25, 2012 at 2:35 am

    hi caveman–welcome to the forum. I have had several loading doses over the past three years. I got them in 2 days instead of the standard 5 because I am also self employed and didnt want to miss work. I am not sure of your age and health condition, but if you are not over 60 and in good health you can discuss the 2 day with your Dr—you will get the same amount (probably 2gm per kg if you are doing standard loading dose) it’s just spread over 2 instead of 5 days.
    i did not have side effects from the ivig, drank lots of water, pre-medicated with tylenol and benedryl. My infusion took about 4-5 hours. I was able to make the 3 hour drive home after with no problem. I found that drinking caffeine after helped too.